
### 益处:

1. **抗氧化作用**:肽类成分具有很好的抗氧化特性,可以帮助抵抗自由基,延缓细胞老化,保护人体免受氧化应激的损害。

2. **促进健康**:某些肽类成分可以调节人体的生理功能,如增强免疫力、调节血糖、降低血压等,有助于预防多种疾病。

3. **美容护肤**:肽类成分在美容领域应用广泛,如胶原蛋白肽可以增加皮肤弹性、保持皮肤水分、美白肌肤,促进伤口愈合等。


4. **促进骨骼健康**:一些肽类成分可以促进骨骼生长和修复,有助于预防或缓解骨质疏松。


5. **改善消化功能**:肽类成分可以促进肠道健康,改善消化功能,有助于营养物质的吸收。

6. **减肥**:如司美格鲁肽等肽类成分,可以通过减少饥饿感、增加饱腹感和降低食物渴望来帮助患者减少热量摄入,从而达到减轻体重的目的。

### 影响:

1. **安全性**:肽类成分相对安全,但长期大量摄入或特定个体可能存在不良反应。

2. **生物利用度**:肽类成分在进入系统循环之前可能被口腔和胃肠道中的酶分解,因此其生物利用度可能受到影响。

3. **稳定性**:某些肽类成分可能因为温度、pH值等因素而不稳定,影响其功效。

4. **市场认知**:随着消费者对肽类成分及其功效的认知越来越深入,市场对肽类产品的需求不断增长。

5. **科研发展**:肽类成分的研究和应用不断深入,未来可能会有更多肽类成分被发现和应用。



1. **观赏作用**:鸢尾花叶片碧绿青翠,花朵大而奇特,形似翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,花色丰富,花形各异,是庭园中的重要花卉。它常被种植在庭院、花坛等地方,为家居环境增添色彩和美感。

2. **药用价值**:鸢尾花在《神农本草经》中就有记载,具有活血祛瘀、祛风利湿、解毒、消积的功效。具体应用如下:
– **活血祛瘀**:鸢尾的根状茎能活血祛瘀,用于治疗跌打损伤、风湿疼痛等。
– **祛风利湿**:用于治疗咽喉肿痛、食积腹胀、痈疖肿毒、创伤出血等症状。
– **解毒**:鸢尾含有某些物质,能起到解毒、抗炎的作用。


– **消积**:有助于消化,减轻腹中积食不消化的情况。

3. **药理作用**:鸢尾中含有的鸢尾黄酮甙及其甙元鸢尾黄素有抗炎作用,对某些炎症性疾病有一定的缓解作用。

4. **毒性**:鸢尾花虽然具有药用价值,但全草植株含有微弱毒性,尤其是根茎和种子毒性较大。如果不小心误食,可能会引起中毒。因此,在使用鸢尾花入药时,应在专业医生的指导下进行。

5. **文化寓意**:鸢尾花在我国常用来象征爱情和友谊,寓意美好,是赠送礼物的好选择。

6. **其他作用**:鸢尾花在国外有制作香水的传统,其浓郁的香气被广泛应用于高级香水中。



1. **滋养肌肤**:鸡蛋和牛奶都富含蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,这些成分能够为皮肤提供必需的营养,帮助肌肤恢复弹性和光泽。


2. **美白肌肤**:牛奶中的乳酸和维生素C有助于去除皮肤表面的死皮细胞,促进新细胞的生长,从而达到美白的效果。

3. **减少皱纹**:鸡蛋中的蛋白质和牛奶中的乳酸有助于减少皮肤皱纹,使皮肤看起来更加紧致。

4. **保湿**:牛奶中的乳脂肪和鸡蛋清中的蛋白质可以帮助皮肤保持水分,防止干燥。

5. **收缩毛孔**:鸡蛋清有收缩毛孔的作用,能够使皮肤看起来更加细腻。



6. **抗衰老**:牛奶和鸡蛋中都含有抗氧化成分,如维生素E,这些成分可以帮助抵抗自由基,减缓皮肤老化过程。

7. **促进血液循环**:鸡蛋和牛奶中的某些成分能够促进血液循环,改善肤色。

8. **适合多种肤质**:鸡蛋牛奶面膜对中性皮肤特别适用,但油性或混合性皮肤的人使用时也无需担心。

9. **自然成分,安全无害**:与市面上的化学护肤品相比,鸡蛋牛奶面膜的成分天然,对皮肤无刺激,适合所有肤质使用。

10. **经济实惠**:鸡蛋和牛奶都是日常生活中常见的食材,制作面膜的成本低廉,非常经济实惠。



1. **补脾止泻**:白莲性味甘、涩、平,归脾、肾、心经。它能够补脾止泻,适用于脾胃虚弱、泄泻、食欲不振等症状。


2. **养心安神**:白莲具有养心安神的功效,对于心悸、失眠、多梦等心神不宁的症状有一定的改善作用。


3. **益肾固精**:白莲还有益肾固精的作用,对于肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、遗精滑泄等症状有一定的缓解作用。

4. **养血润燥**:白莲可以养血润燥,对于血虚引起的面色苍白、头晕目眩等症状有一定的改善作用。

5. **增强免疫力**:白莲含有丰富的营养成分,如蛋白质、碳水化合物、矿物质等,可以增强机体的免疫力,提高抵抗力。


6. **辅助治疗多种疾病**:白莲常用于辅助治疗脾虚泄泻、心悸失眠、腰膝酸软、遗精滑泄、血虚面色苍白等疾病。

7. **美容养颜**:白莲具有美容养颜的作用,对于皮肤干燥、粗糙等问题有一定的改善作用。


Chapter 40 Breaking all laws with one sword

This fine mark is not straight, but around the ape-demon method.
When you practice kung fu to a certain extent, you can choose a good sword to practice flying swords, and kill one person in ten steps without leaving a line.
At this point, there is already a flag-winning money for the generals in the army.
Ordinary fighters have to be martial arts masters to achieve this.
Practitioners are born with advantages in this respect. Practitioners don’t realize the unity of heaven and earth, and they become flying swords in front of each other. Practitioners have parry skills but don’t fight back.
Although there is little difference in life practice, there will be great difference in actual combat power, not to mention there are many strange spells for practitioners
Of course, when the martial art reaches the broken virtual foundation, it will be the fairy of the Yuan God. Maybe it will be stronger. It is much easier to survive the natural disaster or three disasters than the practitioners. This is another advantage.
However, martial arts can go to the so-called broken virtual point in the pre-Li Zhichang world, which can be said to be three or four hundred years. Compared with the practitioners, there are not many yuan gods, but it is too easy to become immortal.
After the flying sword is practiced, it is the so-called four swordsmanship of the practitioners. These four swordsmanship are refining the sword into silk, firm but gentle Lei Yin instant swordsmanship and sword light differentiation.
This is not something that can be achieved after cultivation, because practitioners are not as bad at understanding swordsmanship as fighters who fight for life and death all the year round, and few people have achieved the four great swordsmanship.
Many practitioners who are one step away from Yuan Shen couldn’t practice one of the swordsmanship if they didn’t practice sword all the way.
Instant skill and firm but gentle Lei Yin are both fast swords and martial arts, and they are all the same in actual combat.
These two swordsmanship are also the easiest to practice.
On the contrary, refining the sword into silk and differentiating the light of the sword are really powerful swordsmanship, and it is necessary to practice Gu Jian’s’ one sword to break all laws’.
The so-called breaking all laws with one sword means that it doesn’t matter what spells you have, what treasures you have, I will chop everything with one sword, which is naturally unstoppable.
At the same time, there is also peerless swordsmanship to make the flying sword body sharp and incisive.
Qingqing can become a peerless swordsman before the Yuan God.
When it comes to "refining swords into silk", it is necessary to repair enough earth, but there is no magical solution that cannot be broken.
Although Qingqing has a sword, the sword is refined into a sharp sword, even if the ape-man method meets Qingqing, this peerless swordsmanship can’t help but growl and obviously attaches great importance to it.
Bursts of black light exploded from the ape-demon method, and dark clouds filled the sky with gloom.
It’s incredible how fast the two sides can join hands.
After all, Baishan is a green horse of the earth. Even if there is a sword to break all means, the strength is not good.
Projected far away to more than ten miles away.
Baishan doesn’t kill Qingqing, and he is preparing to leave in the direction of Xu Hongru.
Suddenly, a thunderous bell struck from Loushan.
Baishan just remembered that there is a thunder temple near here with a powerful magic weapon called the flying clock, which can send out Lei Yin with great power.
He snorted angrily.
A punch at Loushan Thunder is a smashing of the vast soup, and the marginal boxing force smashed the door plaque of Leiming Temple several miles away.
Suddenly the clock didn’t ring and dozens of Buddhist names came.
Baishan is not afraid of things to make big. Let Shen Guyun escape first. After all, he is injured.
He chased Xu Hongru in the direction of escape alone.
Although he doesn’t have the vision of a Buddhist bald donkey to see the scene thousands of miles away, the avatar is serious after all, and he senses that his vitality fluctuates dozens of miles away, knowing that I’m afraid something has happened again.
It is said that Xu Hongru Yuan Shen went away for dozens of miles in a short time.
In the depths of the chaotic mountain, Fenshui Hui sensed the shocking sword in the distance and he knew Qingqing had made a move.
Martial sister is fierce. He always knows that it is not a problem to stop Baishan for a moment.
He knew that in the face of such characters as Baishan, he was not far away, and he couldn’t get rid of each other by wiping off his breath after a heavy hand.
Up to now, he hasn’t felt anything in the picture scroll.
Fortunately, the picture is clear and aura is not full of his strength.
Yuan Shen escapes light very quickly.
At this time, suddenly, a dark black sword light came, and the speed of the sword was appalling.
Come at the same time.
Xu Hongru’s mind turned sharply like light, and he was a master of firm but gentle Lei Yin.
Practice firm but gentle Lei Yin fly sword speed is not in the yuan god dun light he don’t have to burn yuan god?
I didn’t expect to be pecked by geese all day long.
He hasn’t come yet, lamenting that mantis pounces on cicada and yellowbird is behind.
After all, Qingqing may not be able to stop Baishan for long. If he fights with this sword fairy for a while, it will be more risky.
He immediately turned his head and went west.
It’s not the east that goes to the border of Zhejiang, not far from Jinshan Temple. Some old bald donkeys are especially powerful, and it will be even more troublesome if they are disturbed.

"If the owner of the hotel can’t go home tonight, it will definitely attract attention," Wu Tianyin replied in a low voice. "And the team leader doesn’t know if he brought anyone … so the news that we didn’t run away is estimated to be hidden."

"Then what?"
"Do it quickly!" Wu tianyin speed up the pace and said
after an hour
Li Xian dialed a number and asked in a low voice, "The elder brothers still have no news! You help me to inquire whether Wu Tianyin went to Qin Yu or not. "
"You when I was a fairy? Does this mean that you can find out by asking? !” Asked the other low drink.
"… is it difficult for you to find out about this at Qin Yu’s place?" Li Xianxiao said, "Wu Tianyin had an accident. You just have reason to ask Qin Yu. After all, this person is your guest!"
Chapter 726 Complex intrigue
Late night yaoguang company
Qin Yu sat in a chair and thought for a long time, then bowed his head and dialed the words of Sixth Master.
"Can you come to Jiangzhou about the fact that Sixth Master is still my guest? I have something to tell you," Qin Yu said bluntly.
"Did the guest contact you?" Sixth Master has already heard that Wu Tianyin was almost caught by the news before asking.
Qin Yu hesitated a "well, it has been linked"
"Oh, that’s good." Sixth Master nodded. "Wait for me. I’ll go to Jiangzhou."
"Okay, call me when you arrive."
Voice down two people ended the call Qin Yu sitting in a chair playing with a mobile phone again thinking for half a day before dialing the exhibition nan number "hello? You come to Jiangzhou, I have something to tell you. "
"Good" exhibition nan should be a bite.
At three o’clock in the morning, a Taiwanese car stopped at the entrance of a Buckingham Palace entertainment city near Jiangzhou.
This casino was built at home. It was here that Qin Yu, Qi Lin and Lao Mao came all the way to find Kang Ge and wanted to do medicine line business. It was here that they first met Xiao Ge and Coco.
After the car stopped, Sixth Master walked into Buckingham Palace with his cousin, a weak, middle-aged blind Qiu Wu, and his driver.
After a few minutes, Qin Yu personally greeted them and led them to a box on the third floor and sat down.
"What’s going on? Why was your guest suddenly ordered?" Six ye sit also too lazy to greet very directly asked 1.
"Oh, it’s a long story." Qin Yu sighed and turned to look at Sixth Cousin. "Who is this …?"
"He was my cousin, and he was mainly in charge of running outside. Recently, the market was not very good, so he came back," said Liu Ye gently.
"Hey, hello, big brother," Qin Yuchong held out his palm at each other.
"Hello, hello" Cousin Liu Ye can be in his early forties and look very rich and kind, like someone like Qiu Wu.
"What the hell is going on?" The emaciated middle-aged man named Jinshui is the person in charge of coordinating the goods here of Sixth Master, and he is also a team leader.

It is more and more difficult to collect work when you are leisurely, especially when the strong sense of the demon saint level is keen. In an instant, you can perceive that the black hand is constantly solidifying your soul, trying to avoid the big hand search, but it is futile to show off the strength. Can these monsters compete?

Outside the lock demon tower side SIRS fiends gathered in pairs of eyes looking at the lock demon tower.
At this time, the lock demon tower is full of radiance, and countless purple lights echo in the radiance. "What happened to this lock demon tower suddenly emitting green light?" Is there any change? "
SIRS fiend will look at the Wolf God Wolf God wry smile "I also got this lock demon tower soon. You all don’t know this lock demon tower mystery block, so do you? This lock demon tower converges so many monsters and I don’t know what’s going on inside. "
You fiends, look at me. I look at you. Niu fiend said, "Why don’t you go in and have a look?"
The fiends shook their heads in unison, and the lion said, "The Wolf God has never mastered the formula for releasing the lock demon tower, and we don’t know the details of the lock demon tower. What if you can get in and out?"
It makes sense to say this. Look at me, you fiend. I look at your cow fiend. "Let’s not go in. Can we know about the lock demon tower?"
Wolf god wry smile "arguably, you should know that the old man is past me. It’s a big shock that I didn’t get the dharma tactic."
The Wolf God really felt a sense of regret in his heart, blaming himself for not holding back at that time, or else he had already got the formula of the lock demon tower, and where did he have to go to such trouble?
"Is it possible for the old man to aggregate his soul when he dies?" Centipede Laozu Road
Listening to the centipede bodhi old zu’s words, the Wolf God’s eyes are flashing. "It may not be impossible for the heavens and the earth to reunite their souls. Only Hung-jun has this magical power, but he has to bother to do it himself. Hung-jun’s hand is not cheap."
"Hey, this lock demon tower is waiting for treasures to master this lock demon tower completely, no matter how much it costs, if you can’t bear to part with it, you can sell it to me at a price." Hubei God showed his heart.
Wolf God smiled, "I’ll go to the third heaven to beg for Hung-chun."
In the lock demon tower, Jade Duxiu’s eyes are flashing, and the outside world can’t hide from Jade Duxiu’s eyes and ears. I heard that the Wolf God was going to find himself in the 33rd heaven, and a hair fell off to see Jade Duxiu’s finger pointing to God’s will, like a knife, and it was pierced, and the hair went directly to Jade Jingshan, distorting the jade Duxiu’s appearance.
"The Lord Wolf God is visiting" Ling Yutong came in with a respectful face.
Jade Duxiu nodded and looked at Ling Yutong. "Ling Yu, you have been listening to me for tens of thousands of years."
"Report to the Lord that it was before the Lord had gone through the disaster that he enlightened his brother and enlightened himself."
I heard that Jade Duxiu said that Lingyu plopped down on his knees.
"It’s not easy to follow me for tens of thousands of years." Jade Duxiu’s eyes showed emotion. "Everything seems to be vivid in front of me after my doom."
After that, Yu Duxiu looked at Ling Yutong. "I’ll kiss you another day. Will you join us as a brother?"
"Brother, thank you, teacher!"
Ling Yu was so happy that she cried and kowtowed to Yu Duxiu repeatedly. Yu Duxiu said, "Go and invite the Wolf God in."
Ling Yutong got up and walked out of the hall, and even his steps were brisk. A little while later, Wolf God came in.
"I’ve seen a friend of Hong Jun’s Dao". The Wolf God came in and saluted Yu Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu nodded. "The Taoist Friends of the Wolf God are out of bounds, plotting to attack the demon race and dominate the heavens. Why do you sometimes come to sit in my Jade Mountain?"
"No, no, no,no. I’m here today to ask for a crown." Wolf God is sincere.
Jade Duxiu took the tea and took a sip of it. "I doubt how much wealth you fiend clan have to please me."
"There were many scourges during the crusade against the four seas and the demon race." Wolf Shinto.
Jade Duxiu nodded and stretched out his palm. A list slipped out and landed in front of the Wolf God case.
"Prepare according to this list," Jade Duxiu said.
Wolf god took the list and looked relaxed at first, but then there was a little wry smile in his eyes. "bollworm flower!" Where can I find this thing! This thing is too precious, especially after the birth of the elixir of life, all kinds of main medicines have become treasures of heaven and earth. If you are searched, you will need ten borers at a time. Even if you kill me, I can’t find them. "
"Really not?" Jade Duxiu looked at the Wolf God’s jade disc flashing. "Don’t lie to me. There are spies in the middle seat of the four seas. I have long known that there are 300 borer flowers hidden in the treasures of the East China Sea. You should have a lot of twelve fiends."
"I …" A round of Wolf God’s eyes finally gave a wry smile. "Corona seems to know everything about me."
"I don’t know everything about you, but I know everything about my heart." Yu Duxiu took his time and sighed gently. "When are you ready? When can you come to me again?"
"I’m not going to take these things with me." A lot of treasures flew out of the wolf’s mouth in my chest.
At that time, the Jade Jingshan Mountain was full of splendor and colorful, and was bickering with the old tortoise. The Jade Bodhisattva suddenly jumped up and came to the Jade Jingshan Hall. "Many treasures! Many treasures! I like treasures best, bodhi old zu. "
Seeing the jade bodhi old zu coming towards the treasure, he beat all the treasures in the palm of his hand, but he frowned at the jade bodhi old zu. "I’m just looking for you, I’m afraid you’ve been cheated by this wolf spirit."
"I’ve seen the bodhi old zu now in good health." Wolf God said hello to the jade bodhi old zu.
Jade bodhi old zu gave Wolf God an oblique look. "It’s better to stay away from bodhi old zu and me sooner or later if you are covered in bad luck."
This words hear Wolf god face stiff at that time at a loss.
Yu Duxiu took out the flowers and plants in his hand, took out the alms bowl and pounded the medicine with a stick, and the bodhi old zu of extraordinary fragrance jade asked curiously, "What are you going to do?"
"The Wolf God asked me not to gather three souls and seven spirits for him, which is not difficult for me."
It’s not hard for the wolf god to roll his eyes. Do you want so many benefits?
"Although it is not difficult for me, it is very rare for others." Jade Duxiu takes its time.
Suddenly, the jade show moved for a while, and he suddenly remembered his first step on the fairy road in the ruined temple. The old beggar didn’t know that there was always a throb in his heart that kept flashing.
"What’s wrong with me? How can I be so upset?" Jade Duxiu shook his head to get rid of other thoughts, but secretly he had already made a calculation in his heart.
"Let’s go!" After a long time, Jade Duxiu changed the medicine into a stick of incense before getting up and saying
Chapter 21 town demon tablet
The lock demon tower is a jade show that robbed a fisherman to the wolf god by manipulating the black lotus seed, and the fisherman was saved by his own magical power. Looking at the incense sticks in his hand, the wolf god followed the lively jade bodhi old zu Yu Duxiu and secretly thought about this play if he could play the perfect seam.
"This is it! That fisherman died here at that time, huh? Didn’t the boat break at that time? How is it intact? " Looking at the river, the wolf god froze, and the boat drifted, but the fisherman was gone.
Jade Duxiu ignored the wolf god and boarded the boat directly. The boat was bloodied and sad, telling the tragedy of the day.

"Not bad!"

Hang Yu’s eyes swept away
He is very satisfied with the team.
Among these people, the two most important people to Hang Yu are Zhao and Xu Tianhua. Although their status is equal, they are responsible for different division of labor
Zhao is more responsible for finance and personnel!
Xu Tianhua is more responsible for battle command and discipline construction!
Bao Wang w w w b a s h u 2
Hang Yu believes in a principle in doing things, that is, let the right people do the right things and be good at doing things!
If you have a strong desire for control and power, you want to grasp everything in your hand and do everything yourself. It is difficult for such a person to achieve great things. After all, a person’s energy is limited
He is the leader.
Just be responsible for specifying the grand strategy and general direction.
In the later stage of the team, personnel arrangement, discipline construction
It is enough to have two right-hand men, Zhao and Xu Tianhua.
Don’t you think it’s pretty good now? These people have been trained a little by Xu Tianhua, and now they are in a good shape. Although they can’t compare with soldiers, they are by no means Ukrainian.
"I don’t think it’s time to get everyone together this time. Everyone should be very clear in their hearts."
He took out the soul covenant.
"Our team will formally conclude a physical pact, and from now on, we will be formal partners and comrades-in-arms. From today in the spiritual world, we will form a whole, one glory and one loss!"
When they heard this,
Everyone is excited and crazy.
This is a big deal for everyone!
Two dog stretched his neck and chimed in, "Ow, boss, what’s the name of our organization? It is better to let Wang play the role of six cores and six threads to get a high-end atmosphere, low-key luxury and a name! "
When the boss speaks
Which round gets a hand in?
What’s more, this product is a dog leg!
Besides, can dogs do such an important thing?
If you go out and let people know that the name of the organization is actually the boss dog, it will be a bit weaker if you give it a domineering name!
Two dog seems to have to be handed over to Xu Tianhua to practice!
You see, Xiao Bai is more sensible … Well, Xiao Bai is in a daze and probably wandering about for two yuan.
"Of course, an organization and a team must have a representative and memorable code name." Hang Yu said in a clear voice, "Now I declare our organization code name black dragon!"
The northern Cang area of this wasteland province.
The name of this world is called earthworm world.
Combination of the two
Code name black dragon.
Hang Yu feels that this is more grounded, not too petty, and not too middle school, so that he can echo the "Qinglong" in this world.
Two dog a listen to.
He doesn’t think the code name is strong enough.
But before I could wait, I was forced back by the boss’s eyes
Husky is good at wagging his tail and sighing, complaining that the boss doesn’t know the art of naming. It is better to let the dog think of a shiny name.
Then came the ceremony of concluding the contract.
The binding force of soul contract is not as good as that of family contract, but it has a wide range and is very suitable for sports alliance and team building.
After the conclusion of the contract
Every member of the Covenant will be a partner.

"No, I asked him to arrange shifts, but he didn’t, and he also called names." The old man twisted his teeth with a baton and explained the sentence.

"How many times have you met me when you played cards on the job?" Sister Wen took a white look at the third child and woke up in an impatient tone. "Don’t make any noise again, don’t say I’ll write you down."
"Know Wen Jie" old nodding.
Sister Wen didn’t bother to go into the dormitory and shouted at Qin Yu at the door, "Are you new here?"
"Yes" Qin Yu nodded.
"Why don’t you get your clothes?"
"Nobody just went there," Qin Yu responded foolishly.
Sister Wen stared, "Bullshit, I’ve been in the office."
Qin Yu one leng "ah that is I didn’t find"
"Take clothes with me" Sister Wen threw a sentence and turned to leave.
"Good" Qin Yu immediately nodded and bent down to pick up his luggage and walked out. At the same time, he also called together "You come with me."
JiLin at this time is don’t know how to face the old a listen to these words immediately followed out.
Dormitory old sat up and rubbed his head, bowed his head and spat at the ground. "This king’s egg will be very dark."
"Nothing, third brother?"
Old also didn’t say anything bowed their heads and took out a cellular phone and dialed a number "hello you in the office? It’s okay. I’ll just ask you if Qin Yu, who entered the file today and assigned to our team, is there anything in it? ….. No? Are you sure? Yes, I know. "
Sister Wen turned her back on Qin Yu and asked, "Are you alone?"
Qin Yu one leng "no"
"If you don’t, be honest. The environment here is very complicated." Sister Wen woke up with a cold face and a warm heart. "Usually, if you don’t argue with them and do more work, you will never die."
"Thank you Wen Jie" Qin Yu nodded.
Sister Wen stopped talking and took Qin Yu to the warehouse on the first floor. From the inside, she picked out a set of police, a set of police training, a pair of handcuffs and a baton and floated away.
JiLin bowed their heads and glanced at his watch in the lobby on the first floor and said, "I’m going to send a material later, so I won’t accompany you. Go back and say something soft. Don’t make trouble with them. Captain Yuan has nothing to eat after you offend him."
"Ha ha, I know." Qin Yu nodded with a smile. "Do you want to have dinner together later?"
"Well, I’ll find you in the past if I have nothing to do." JiLin also readily agreed to come.
The two exchanged a few simple words, and Qin Yu returned to the dormitory again with his things, but at this time, the old three had already left the room, leaving two people, and they took a cold look at Qin Yu and then continued to sit on the bed and chat.
Qin Yu glanced at the two men, who went back to their beds and picked up their things neatly, and they didn’t have any birds.
At about 7 o’clock in the evening, Qin Yu packed his things and prepared to go to the street alone to get familiar with the surrounding environment and have dinner by the way when he saw that Qi Lin had not come to find himself.
Qin Yu rolled over the bed and pulled out a purse from the pillow, wrapped around him and stepped toward the outside.
"Oh, I’m sorry."
Qin Yugang went out and ran into Qi Lin, who came in a hurry. The latter immediately explained, "It’s too late for a temporary meeting. What are you …?"
"I don’t think you’re coming. I just want to go out and get something to eat." Qin Yu greeted with a smile. "Let’s go out and get something to eat."
"I have another friend who just wants to talk about something together today. Is it convenient for you to go together?" Qi Lin asked
"Convenient" Qin Yu leng all the way "the so-called piece"
After talking for a few words, the two of them stepped on the floor and met another guy at the entrance of the dormitory building hall.
Ji Lin’s friend is called Li Fugui, nicknamed the old cat. According to the old man in the Superintendent’s Department, he has a certain relationship with Superintendent Li, but they rarely contact each other at ordinary times. It’s not very clear what kind of marginal people they are. Moreover, this person has done the most outrageous thing at ordinary times, that is, he got drunk and openly solicited prostitutes on duty, and his mother insisted on auditioning and was touched by the inspection team. However, in the end, he was given a demerit and was punished for administrative suspension for half a month, but he always didn’t deal with two colleagues very well. However,
Although the old cat’s name is slightly terrapin, he looks serious and handsome. If Qin Yu’s face is the kind of guy with strong looks and heroic spirit, the old cat is the kind of handsome and handsome, which is a bit like Zray who was very hot before.
The three met and Qi Lin briefly introduced "This is a friend of Lao Mao who usually takes care of me. This is Qin Yu, a new trainee police officer in our team."
"I heard that you just got into trouble with the third child and them?" Lao Mao put his hand into his pocket with an evil smile on his mouth and asked, "Brother has a temper?"
"No, it’s just a quarrel." Qin Yu felt that the old cat’s personality was a bit vague and should be answered.
"I’m tired of them doing what they have to do," scolded the old cat with a pie mouth. "The first team is rotten boys doing nothing."
Qin Yu heard some words and turned to look at Ji Lin, who scratched his head and explained, "The old cat said what she said about this character."

Confused and turbid, refined and refined, refined and refined, while information is taken into account.

At this time, as through the model, the vein handle is slightly firmer than before
However, it is still too early to finish the condensation.
Although he stayed in the vice for nearly two years, it was less than a month in reality.
Naturally, there won’t be much change in such a short time.
"Master, you are back."
Just as he was looking at the Yuan evil spirit gourd and the handle of the earth vein, Taoist Yun Sheng had come to him with a group of people.
"Come back"
Lingqing recovered her attention and nodded at him, then invited everyone to the hall.
After asking about it and learning that as he guessed, kung fu has not changed in the past few days.
Also let everyone dispersed.
I went to my residence and took a roll of Xuan paper and pen to copy the Law of Merits and Charismas.
Then I organized it into a book and came to the Tibetan Sutra Tower. First, I met my grandfather and had a conversation.
Put away the classics and go back to the residence.
This just took out the tiger skin to sort out the side harvest.
Needless to say, some purple incense and the materials he collected during his travels were taken out and put into a special material library.
In the future, whether it is a refining device, a system symbol or a refining method can be found at any time.
Then there are several spiritual species cultivated by Xiaoqian and others.
It took them nearly a year to borrow the alien dragon staff, but only three kinds of spirits were alienated
Jade polished rice has been alienated from rice.
This rice grain is slender and jade white, which is more than three times larger than ordinary rice grain.
Not only is it rich in nutrition, but it also contains clear air and few miscellaneous grains.
If you eat for years, you can keep fit and wash your body impurities.
It takes a long time to plant it, and it needs to be irrigated with clean air.
There are large green beans alienated from Faring beans.
This bean looks like a big green bean, but it is slightly shiny and moist.
Although it is a bean, it can’t be eaten, but it can be thrown into it, which can double the destructive power.
After some experiments, Lingqing found that if the spell symbol was put into it, it could be directly used as a talisman, so it was named Falingdou.
There are red beans alienated from acacia beans, and after eating them, they will miss the people they want to see most.
However, what specific merits and demerits have not been studied.
He took good care of it and put it away.
In these days, he will carve out some spiritual fields in the mountains.
Then there is the biggest harvest of the earth’s evil array map