鸡血藤,学名Mucuna pruriens,是一种常见的豆科植物,其根、茎、叶均可入药,尤其在中医中有着广泛的应用。以下是对鸡血藤的图文解析:

### 图文解析:

1. **植物外观**:
– **形态**:鸡血藤是一种攀缘植物,其茎长可达数米,表面有细小的绒毛。
– **叶**:鸡血藤的叶为复叶,小叶5-7片,互生,叶形为卵状椭圆形。
– **花**:鸡血藤的花为白色或淡紫色,小花组成总状花序。
– **果实**:鸡血藤的果实为豆荚,内有种子,种子表面有硬刺。

2. **药用部位**:
– 主要药用部位是鸡血藤的根和茎,这些部位富含多种生物活性成分,如黄酮类化合物、香豆素、生物碱和萜烯等。

3. **药用价值**:
– 鸡血藤具有活血补血、舒筋活络、祛风止痛的功效。
– 在中医中,常用于治疗血虚、月经不调、风湿痹痛等症状。

4. **生物合成途径**:
– 根据提供的参考信息,鸡血藤中异黄酮类化合物的生物合成途径涉及多个酶,如苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、肉桂酸4-羟化酶(C4H)等。
– 这些酶参与了苯丙氨酸代谢途径,最终生成具有多种生物活性的异黄酮类化合物。

鸡血藤,学名Mucuna pruriens,是一种常见的豆科植物,其根、茎、叶均可入药,尤其在中医中有着广泛的应用。以下是对鸡血藤的图文解析:

5. **化学成分**:
– 鸡血藤中含有多种次级代谢物,如异黄酮(刺芒柄花素、高丽槐素等),这些成分在植物中发挥着重要的生物活性作用。

### 总结:


1. **提高免疫力**:白眉豆含有丰富的优质蛋白质、碳水化合物以及多种必需的维生素和矿物质,能够为人体提供必需的营养,促进免疫细胞的再生与代谢,从而有效提高身体的免疫力。


2. **促进消化**:白眉豆中含有的维生素B1和其他维生素能够促进消化腺分泌消化液,加快胃肠蠕动,抑制胆碱酯酶的活性,有助于改善消化功能,增加食欲,减少腹胀、腹泻等消化不良症状。

3. **降血糖**:白眉豆含有丰富的磷脂,这种物质能够促进胰岛素的分泌,加速人体内糖分的代谢,减少身体对糖分的吸收,对高血糖和糖尿病患者尤其有益。经常食用白眉豆有助于稳定血糖,减少糖尿病并发症的风险。


4. **调理身体**:白眉豆具有健脾化湿的功效,可以治疗脾虚、湿阻等症状,如暑湿吐泻、脾虚呕逆、食少久泄、水停消渴、赤白带下等。

5. **其他益处**:白眉豆中还含有多种有益成分,如膳食纤维、矿物质等,有助于维持身体健康,增强体质,促进新陈代谢,对生长发育也有积极作用。



1. **清热泻火**:支沟穴归属于手少阳三焦经,五行中属火,因此具有清热泻火的作用,可以用来治疗因火邪引起的各种症状。

2. **调理脏腑**:支沟穴能调理脏腑功能,对于脏腑功能失调引起的病症有较好的治疗效果。

3. **通行诸气**:支沟穴可以通行全身之气,对于气机失调导致的疾病有显著疗效。

4. **治疗便秘**:支沟穴是治疗便秘的要穴,通过刺激支沟穴可以促进肠胃蠕动,缓解便秘症状。


5. **治疗胁肋痛**:支沟穴对于胁肋部的疼痛有较好的缓解作用。

6. **治疗耳聋、耳鸣**:支沟穴对于耳聋、耳鸣等耳部疾病有一定的治疗作用。

7. **缓解呕吐**:对于因胃气上逆引起的呕吐,支沟穴可以起到缓解作用。

8. **治疗热病**:支沟穴可以治疗因热邪引起的疾病。


9. **治疗瘰疬**:支沟穴对于瘰疬等皮肤疾病也有一定的治疗作用。

10. **舒筋通络**:支沟穴可以舒筋活络,对于肢体疼痛、麻木等有缓解作用。


– **定位准确**:支沟穴位于腕背侧横纹上3寸,尺骨与桡骨之间。
– **操作规范**:在中医师的指导下进行针灸或按摩,避免自行操作造成伤害。
– **辨证施治**:根据患者的具体病情,结合其他穴位进行综合治疗。




1. **营养价值丰富**:牛肉含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、矿物质(如铁、锌)以及维生素B群等营养素。萝卜则含有大量的维生素C、膳食纤维和微量元素。两者结合,使牛肉萝卜汤成为营养均衡的佳品。

2. **增强免疫力**:牛肉中的蛋白质和矿物质如铁质,能够帮助身体合成抗体,增强免疫力。萝卜中的维生素C也有助于提高免疫力,抵御疾病。

3. **促进生长发育**:牛肉中的高质量蛋白质和氨基酸对于儿童的成长发育尤其重要,它们有助于肌肉和骨骼的发展。

4. **改善消化**:萝卜中的膳食纤维和淀粉酶有助于促进胃肠蠕动,增加食欲,帮助消化。同时,牛肉中的蛋白质也容易消化吸收。


5. **清热解毒**:萝卜具有清热生津、凉血止血的功效,可以缓解由于气候干燥引起的咽喉不适等症状。

6. **补中益气**:牛肉有补中益气的功效,适合中气下隐、气短体虚的人群食用,有助于提升体质。


7. **预防贫血**:牛肉中的铁质是血红蛋白合成的重要成分,有助于预防贫血。

8. **暖胃祛寒**:牛肉性温,适合冬季食用,能够暖胃祛寒,是冬季的补益佳品。

9. **促进健康**:牛肉萝卜汤中的各种营养成分,如维生素B12、铁质和锌等,对神经系统和血液健康、肌肉和骨骼健康都有益处。

10. **防癌作用**:萝卜中的木质素和其他多种酶有助于提高巨噬细胞的活力,吞噬癌细胞,并分解致癌的亚硝酸胺,具有防癌作用。



1. **驱寒暖身**:生姜具有驱寒的作用,它能促进血液循环,增强身体的热量产生,使人感到温暖。可乐中的糖分和咖啡因也有助于提高体温,因此在寒冷的天气里,适量饮用可乐煮生姜可以帮助身体驱寒,预防感冒。

2. **缓解咳嗽**:生姜具有温肺止咳的作用,对于风寒感冒引起的咳嗽有很好的缓解效果。可乐中的糖分和咖啡因可以帮助减轻咳嗽,缓解咽喉不适。

3. **改善咽喉不适**:生姜和可乐的混合能够减轻咽喉肿痛,对于因感冒或咽喉炎引起的咽喉不适有较好的改善作用。

4. **治疗感冒**:可乐生姜汤在一定程度上能治疗风寒感冒。姜汁可以发汗解表、祛风散寒,可乐则可以止咳,两者结合对风寒感冒有良好的效果。

5. **暖胃**:生姜能够暖胃,缓解胃寒,而可乐中的糖分也能提供一定的热量,有助于保护肠胃。

6. **止吐**:生姜有止吐的作用,对于晕车、晕船等引起的恶心呕吐有一定的缓解效果。

7. **提神**:可乐中的咖啡因能够提神醒脑,消除疲劳,适合工作学习疲劳时饮用。

8. **可能对胃结石有溶解作用**:虽然这并非其主要功效,但有些研究表明,可乐中的碳酸氢钠和酸性成分可能对某些类型的胃结石有溶解作用。




1. **补脾止泻**:白莲性味甘、涩、平,归脾、肾、心经。它能够补脾止泻,适用于脾胃虚弱、泄泻、食欲不振等症状。


2. **养心安神**:白莲具有养心安神的功效,对于心悸、失眠、多梦等心神不宁的症状有一定的改善作用。


3. **益肾固精**:白莲还有益肾固精的作用,对于肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、遗精滑泄等症状有一定的缓解作用。

4. **养血润燥**:白莲可以养血润燥,对于血虚引起的面色苍白、头晕目眩等症状有一定的改善作用。

5. **增强免疫力**:白莲含有丰富的营养成分,如蛋白质、碳水化合物、矿物质等,可以增强机体的免疫力,提高抵抗力。


6. **辅助治疗多种疾病**:白莲常用于辅助治疗脾虚泄泻、心悸失眠、腰膝酸软、遗精滑泄、血虚面色苍白等疾病。

7. **美容养颜**:白莲具有美容养颜的作用,对于皮肤干燥、粗糙等问题有一定的改善作用。


"If the owner of the hotel can’t go home tonight, it will definitely attract attention," Wu Tianyin replied in a low voice. "And the team leader doesn’t know if he brought anyone … so the news that we didn’t run away is estimated to be hidden."

"Then what?"
"Do it quickly!" Wu tianyin speed up the pace and said
after an hour
Li Xian dialed a number and asked in a low voice, "The elder brothers still have no news! You help me to inquire whether Wu Tianyin went to Qin Yu or not. "
"You when I was a fairy? Does this mean that you can find out by asking? !” Asked the other low drink.
"… is it difficult for you to find out about this at Qin Yu’s place?" Li Xianxiao said, "Wu Tianyin had an accident. You just have reason to ask Qin Yu. After all, this person is your guest!"
Chapter 726 Complex intrigue
Late night yaoguang company
Qin Yu sat in a chair and thought for a long time, then bowed his head and dialed the words of Sixth Master.
"Can you come to Jiangzhou about the fact that Sixth Master is still my guest? I have something to tell you," Qin Yu said bluntly.
"Did the guest contact you?" Sixth Master has already heard that Wu Tianyin was almost caught by the news before asking.
Qin Yu hesitated a "well, it has been linked"
"Oh, that’s good." Sixth Master nodded. "Wait for me. I’ll go to Jiangzhou."
"Okay, call me when you arrive."
Voice down two people ended the call Qin Yu sitting in a chair playing with a mobile phone again thinking for half a day before dialing the exhibition nan number "hello? You come to Jiangzhou, I have something to tell you. "
"Good" exhibition nan should be a bite.
At three o’clock in the morning, a Taiwanese car stopped at the entrance of a Buckingham Palace entertainment city near Jiangzhou.
This casino was built at home. It was here that Qin Yu, Qi Lin and Lao Mao came all the way to find Kang Ge and wanted to do medicine line business. It was here that they first met Xiao Ge and Coco.
After the car stopped, Sixth Master walked into Buckingham Palace with his cousin, a weak, middle-aged blind Qiu Wu, and his driver.
After a few minutes, Qin Yu personally greeted them and led them to a box on the third floor and sat down.
"What’s going on? Why was your guest suddenly ordered?" Six ye sit also too lazy to greet very directly asked 1.
"Oh, it’s a long story." Qin Yu sighed and turned to look at Sixth Cousin. "Who is this …?"
"He was my cousin, and he was mainly in charge of running outside. Recently, the market was not very good, so he came back," said Liu Ye gently.
"Hey, hello, big brother," Qin Yuchong held out his palm at each other.
"Hello, hello" Cousin Liu Ye can be in his early forties and look very rich and kind, like someone like Qiu Wu.
"What the hell is going on?" The emaciated middle-aged man named Jinshui is the person in charge of coordinating the goods here of Sixth Master, and he is also a team leader.

The mind of the sword is between the spirit and the strength to practice the Dharma, and the Zen concept of "the mind is the Buddha" is also secretly consistent with the mind of the sword. Shi Feixuan can say that he has a half-faith from this finger, and his understanding of the fight with Li Zhichang is not trivial. Therefore, it seems that he has completely become a slightly healthy old man with turbid breathing and no long breath before.

Daoxin didn’t feel disappointed or depressed. He got up slowly and picked up the venerable mord of the emperor’s heart. In addition to walking slowly against the snow all over the sky in the Temple of the King, he slowly said, "There is a Buddha with ulterior motives in centrifugal separation." The voice was clear and clear into Shifeixuan’s ear.
Shifeixuan didn’t have a former escort letter. She suddenly threw martial arts into her mind at this moment, but she could go further and almost interfere with material changes. In fact, not a single piece of snow fell on him. After this battle, it may be fully realized that even if she can’t physically break the virtual future, she may transcend the three realms and be repaired in Shifeixuan’s body at the same time. It is also understood that in the rivers and lakes, cause and effect will be left to Shifeixuan to bear alone. This is also Shifeixuan’s responsibility.
The snow is full, Chang ‘an Shifeixuan’s heart is sad, and I don’t know that this situation has come to this day step by step. I don’t know that Li Zhichang is now here. Shifeixuan feels more and more willing but unable to shoulder the burden, but he can’t see the road ahead, hoping to grope alone in the dark.
Chapter seventy Yong ‘an Canal
When Xu Ling came out of Yang Gong’s treasure house, the export direction was Yong ‘an Canal. At this time, it was fine snow in Mao Mao, and Xu Ling got out of the biting cold water. His skill was profound and he couldn’t help but hit a tingle. It was just a battle of wits that wasted too much of his strength.
At this time, Yong’ an canal boat came and went, asking him to climb a boat unnoticed and get rid of chasing the enemy. At this time, a canoe glided across the boat and whispered, "Little brother, do you want a boat?"
Xu Ling jumped out of the water with a shock and a joy, and stood in the boat. The white clothes spilled out of the dust. What is even more surprising is that this man was rowing in the water without any shelter tools, and there was fine snow in the sky, but he didn’t have any water and long snowflake hair hanging freely. A black sword was placed on the side of the boat at will, and it was even more rare that this man rowed the boat without any water, but he could swing steadily in Yong’ an Canal.
When Xu Ling, a white-shirted man, put away the boat and paddled the boat, it stopped motionless in the waterway as if water were taking root.
Xu Lingxi said, "Master Li won so soon."
The white-shirted man is naturally Li Zhichang. He smiles, "I not only won a big victory, but also changed the Yiling, by the way. I really didn’t let me down. I was able to come out of the treasure house safely with the evil emperor relic."
Xu Ling touched the nose and immediately wry smile way: "Maybe it’s because I’m so lucky that I’m not an opponent whether it’s the magic handsome Zhao Deyan or the evil king of Yin. It’s really a disaster for Li to leave the evil emperor relic there."
Li Zhichang said, "It’s really hard. If we don’t throw the bait of the evil emperor relic, I’m afraid that even if there is a fake library, it will make them suspicious and explore the real library. It’s almost impossible for us to transport the real Yang Gongbao out."
Say Li Zhichang smile and then said, "The youngest son of Bichen really didn’t let me down. It can attract so many powerful people to find fake libraries. Naturally, we won’t doubt that the real library is very beneficial to our nature." He asked Bichen to help transport Yang Gongbao’s library. The real purpose is to let Bichen spread the news to seize the fake library, and let Li Zhichang and Song Zhiren unconsciously smuggle the real library out by hiding hidden secret passages of Yang Gongbao. This is close encounter of mahjong, but it is impossible to win the trust of people without the evil emperor relic.
Actually, Qi Yang Gongbao’s treasure was hidden as early as the second day when he came to Chang ‘an in Li Zhichang. If it weren’t for the evil emperor sarira’s evil temper, Li Zhichang would not have been able to make the jade work more concise. Today, he can’t get rid of the four holy monks in such a short time. But even so, the four holy monks are serious enough to get injured in Li Zhichang. Because of this, Li Zhichang understands that the jade work is not exhaustive, and from now on, it can be inferred that there are limits to the immortal printing method.
Xu Ling said, "Fortunately, I won’t fail to accomplish my mission and bring the relic back to Li. Take it." He took out a bronze utensil and hid the evil emperor relic inside.
Li Zhichang smiled faintly. "In fact, this thing has little to do with me except to prolong my life. Of course, if I want to cultivate the Taoist mind and plant the magic solution, this relic of Zhongyuan essence will be big for me, but I have abandoned this road and prepared to go my own way."
Xu Ling said, "Even through the bronze, I can feel the unfathomable power in the evil emperor relic. It is simply unimaginable that Li Li can abandon it."
Li Zhichang said, "I don’t mean to abandon it, but it’s really not evil to me. The evil spirit outside the emperor relic helped me to condense my spirit, which is the biggest gain of this trip. But now let’s not go in a hurry." Say, Li Zhichang gently pressed a package of evil emperor relics, bronze wares and Xu Ling instantly felt a kind of indescribable heart throbbing, and this feeling was particularly strong because the evil emperor relic was closest to him.
Xu Ling couldn’t help but think of Li Zhichang’s intention, but seeing Li Zhichang’s eyes shining with snow and falling into the endless Yong ‘an Canal, he seemed to be meditating and waiting and didn’t talk.
At the moment, Xu Ling suddenly felt that Li Zhichang was so dull and had such extraordinary contradictions and miscellaneous feelings, which made him feel bored. However, the qi unconsciously ran and his physical strength gradually recovered, which made him have a warm experience. When his physical strength recovered, this boring feeling not only did not weaken, but strengthened Xu Ling’s mind. It was only in the middle of the well that Li Zhichang’s figure became much more comfortable.
Shi Feixuan, another corner of Chang ‘an City, also felt a little throbbing when Li Zhichang came into contact with bronze wares. This mystery was so slight that she could hardly perceive this wonderful induction unless she got the master’s intention of "nothing but the heart".
When Xu Ling is in the realm of the well and the moon, he can almost feel the things around him, but he is alone and close at hand. Li Zhichang almost ignores the past. If he doesn’t know that Li Zhichang is beside him, there is almost no one around him. At the same time, Xu Ling feels the rustling footsteps very softly. He can feel the arrival without shoes. This day, the shore is full of snow and it is very cold. Who is walking barefoot in this ice and snow?
Xu Ling couldn’t help but open her eyes. Mao Mao’s fine snow blocked people’s sight, but Xu Ling could still see that the bearer was a woman as beautiful as an elf. White clothes came to the shore barefoot on soft snow, and her eyes looked toward the boat.
And Xu Ling and Li Zhichang’s boat moved. Li Zhichang slowly paddled the boat and rowed in the direction of the shore, which was the place where Wan stopped.
Waiting for the boat to get close to Wan Wan and look at this man’s judo, "Brother Li, if you don’t get away from Chang ‘an soon after he dies, is it better to be injured so soon?" She didn’t ask Li Zhichang if he was hurt, but directly asked Li Zhichang if he was hurt.
Hearing this sentence, Xu Ling couldn’t help secretly praising how tall she is from Wan Wan’s sentence spoken parts.
Chapter seventy-one Psychological warfare
Wan Wan didn’t ask whether Li Zhichang was injured, but whether Li Zhichang’s injury healed, which made Xu Ling almost high-five and admire. Because Wan Wan decided that Li Zhichang must be injured, there was no doubt that Li Zhichang’s momentum of defeating the four holy monks was disintegrated. After all, it is very important to ask whether Li Zhichang is healed or not, because whether the injury is fast or slow is injured.
Li Zhichang smiled slightly. "I really didn’t expect that the first person to come would be Wan Wan. I expected that the first person to come should be the evil king. After all, the whole Chang ‘an City also has his spiritual cultivation closest to me, and he has the speed that is hard to find in the world, so he should also be the first person to come."
Xu Ling is totally impressed with Li Zhichang now. He not only evaded the question of whether he was injured, but also told him in a flat tone that she was able to find here because Li Zhichang released an unknown spiritual message and quietly waited for her opponent to find him. At the same time, Xu Ling also understood the profound meaning of Li Zhichang’s move. Since he defeated the four holy monks, he was as powerful as the sea. If he didn’t make a noise, wouldn’t it prove that Li Zhichang was really afraid that someone would take this opportunity to pursue him?
Coming to Chang ‘an is not only a war of Buddhism, but also a psychological war. All parties want to fight against the enemy forces in Li Zhichang. If Li Zhichang thunder leaves quickly, it is a side evidence that Li Zhichang is not worried, and Li Zhichang is waiting for others to come to show his natural enemy spirit.
At the same time, Xu Ling also understood what natural enemies are, that is, even if one man is against the sky, he can still have the belief of winning. Of course, it is impossible for one man to be against the sky, but this belief will give the enemy a strong oppression and overwhelm the opponent in momentum, even if the other party has thousands of troops.
Xu Ling had to sigh with emotion that Li Zhichang’s earth-shattering means may have made him think of the present situation from his engagement with the four holy monks. Of course, it is also possible that Li Zhichang Gen did not calculate what naturally created such a situation. First, he openly challenged the Buddhist belief in the four holy monks, then secretly transported Yang Gong’s treasure and hid it, and at the same time threw out the evil emperor relic, which made all the forces in Chang ‘an believe in Yang Gong’s fake library.
And BiChen care about playing Li Zhichang chess without knowing it. Li Zhichang knew early in the morning that BiChen could never succumb to him. It was because of this situation that BiChen was benefited by Li Zhichang, thus creating this true and false situation. No one expected that in this mixed situation, Li Zhichang had already smuggled out the real treasure house.
Li Zhichang’s gentle words fell into Wan Wan’s ears as much as a thunder. Naturally, she didn’t know that Li Zhichang could send out a strange spiritual message with the help of the evil emperor relic, which was sensed by a certain level of experts. It was because she didn’t know that Li Zhichang had a means. Just now, Wan Wan’s idea of finding it by her own spiritual consciousness declared bankruptcy. It was not that her skill improved to find Li Zhichang, but Li Zhichang deliberately asked them to find it.
Although the result is the same, but the meaning is very different, it can be said that Li Zhichang has entered another level and has an insurmountable gap with them. This incident has brought a soul shock to Wan Wan and let him have a rest to consider whether Li Zhichang is injured.
If Xu Ling didn’t know that Li Zhichang’s method of penetrating the mind was due to the specificity of the evil emperor relic, I’m afraid he would be frightened by Li Zhichang. Now the insider has no other thoughts in his heart except admiration for Li Zhichang.
At this time, a feminine sound sounded leisurely in the middle and sighed gently, "Xuan Xuan, with your conceit, can you ask yourself a question that can be compared with Li Zhichang?" Wan Wan’s snow-covered grass slowly revealed a graceful figure. Xu Ling secretly complained that it turned out to be Yin Hou. He just came out from the secret passage in Yang Gong’s treasure house. I didn’t expect Zhu Yuyan and others to reach an agreement so soon, but came out to look for the evil emperor relic, which is more important in the eyes of Yin Hou and others than helpful in fighting for the sky.
Of course, Xu Ling turned to understand how attractive Yang Gong Bao Ku is, but after making such a big noise, Yang Gong Bao Ku has become the object in the bag of Chang ‘an master Li Yuan, and no one else can get the contents out of Chang ‘an, let alone whether they can be shipped out.
Shi Xuan said in a cold voice, "Xiaoyan, you are the whitest me. Don’t you know that I must know what tricks he plays and will come to shock me?"
And Xu Ling looked at the stone bridge in front and saw Shi Xuan looking down from the bridge, with cold eyes and no emotion. At this moment, Shi Xuan has been dominated by another emotion, which is rational and terrible. From his words, it is not difficult to guess that Shi Xuan already knew that Li Zhichang was sending out this spiritual message through the evil emperor relic, calling for a certain level of masters to come.
A shadow is enough to turn Chang ‘an upside down and make it even more unfathomable. The situation in Shixuan will be more complicated. Until now, Xu Ling is not sure whether Li Zhichang was injured or healed. Now Xu Ling can hope that Li Zhichang will be truly the world’s enemy in this war, and he will be swept away and unified from now on. Otherwise, today will be his memorial day for Xu Ling and Li Zhichang.
Yin Hou smiled gently. "After hearing what Xuan said, I’m more sure that this relic is true. Li Zhichang, you and I joined hands to help me kill Shi Xuan. At the same time, Yin Kui Sect will also help you seize the day." Zhu Yuyan’s offer is not generous, and the world knows that Zhu Yuyan and Shi Xuan can’t resolve their hatred. Even Xu Ling never doubted her sincerity. It can be said that Zhu Yuyan’s request to Li Zhichang can’t find an excuse to refuse.
Shi Xuan didn’t speak. Everything he said was weakness. He was never soft in his life. No one can tell him that Shi Xuan is as proud as death. Even though Li Zhichang has reached his prime of life, he is still schizophrenic. Gao Shixuan won’t show any weakness.
The fine snow in Mao Mao has stopped and the whole world is quiet, as if waiting for Li Zhichang’s decision.
Chapter seventy-two Chaos
Li Zhichang didn’t say anything. His calm eyes looked at the other side and broke out. A figure was born. The frightening place is that this person almost flew against the wind in the middle of the road, crossed the Yong’ an Canal in Wuzhang High School and finally landed in a willow tree.
Xu Ling put away his astonishment. His eyesight naturally showed that there was a strange weapon in his hand that was shaped like a crescent moon, golden and shining like a knife, not like a sword, not like a sword. Only when the machete was rotated at medium and high speed could it bring out a rising force to create such an almost air-saving flight effect.
Even so, it can be seen that people’s flying skills are extraordinary, and even Xu Ling doesn’t believe that any human can display such flying skills.
Li Zhichang looked up at each other to see each other’s body shape is not burly, but tall, natural and unrestrained, with extraordinary strength, noble temperament and appearance of only twenty years old.
But his real attraction is his deep, gentle and slightly blue eyes, and his towering eagle nose and firm mouth are in fresh contrast, which makes people feel that he is both ruthless and affectionate
Zhu Yuyan’s soft voice rang again and said slowly, "Yun Shuai is here. Your speed is not in the porch. He has a greater grasp today."
The bearer is Yun Shuai, the Buddhist of West Turkistan. He is a Persian, and the stream of people has fallen to West Turkistan, becoming a martial art of the Buddhist of West Turkistan. The parents of Persia and West Turkistan have made great achievements in using saber. A full moon machete is frightening in the grassland, but his real age is actually approaching fifty.

"Don’t you think you don’t have a cow when you have all your brothers’ horses and sheep?" It’s disappointing not to have a home.

"Think about it again."
"Oh, there seems to be one."
"Great. What’s the wind?"
Chapter 57 Imperial Qi Yan Ling
It’s dawn and snow.
The white wolf got up early and went out for a turn to fetch a rabbit.
"Little brother, we’ll send you back after dinner," I said to the black madman who woke up.
"I want to follow you." Black crazy eyes stared at the King Kong cannon, and the rabbit kept swallowing saliva.
"No, you can’t go where we are going." King Kong Bao came over and took out the salt.
"What?" Black crazy looked at king kong gun piteously.
"Because it’s too dangerous." King Kong cannon turns snow into water. "You should wash your face first."
Black crazy took the basin and wiped it two times at random, and then wiped the sleeve once.
I took a towel and soaked it in water to help her wipe it carefully. She was crazy and finally showed her true colors. She was about twenty years old, with good looks and big eyes but no god.
"How old are you this year?" King Kong cannon roasted rabbit asked back.
"Twenty-three-and-a-half-year-old" black crazy actually said something about his age.
"Where is your home? Let’s send you home. "I tried to find out her origin.
"No home", black madness, absent-minded
"Then what are you doing here? How do you usually live?" The roast rabbit in the King Kong gunner has already sent out a fragrance.
"Wait for him" Black Crazy pointed at me.
"Wait for me to do what?" She’s still awake at the moment. I’ll strike while the iron is hot
"Show you the way" Although you talk to me, your eyes are not far from the rabbit in the gunner.
"Where to?" I tremble at the sight of a play.
"Looking for Master" Black Crazy Finger North
"Where is the master?" I grabbed her wrist.
"In … that … I forgot"
"Why did you send her there?" King Kong cannon pointed at stagnant water about seven feet wide.
"This ….." I glanced at my hand and caught a rabbit leg. Black Crazy made a mistake. How did Black Crazy come over last night? She can’t remember it herself. Do you want her to swim there today?
"Old let her follow. She can protect herself with such a powerful spell." King Kong Bao seems to have a good impression on this black madman, trying to intercede for the pathetic black madman.
"But she’s always in a daze, and the spell doesn’t work. It’s not necessarily a good thing for her to follow me." Earlier, I beat around the bush to test a black madman, and she knew nothing about what happened last night
I argued with King Kong Gun for a long time about whether to stay or not, and finally I compromised.
"Can you promise to listen to us?" King Kong Gun asked Black Mad seriously.
"I must be obedient." Black Crazy put the rabbit leg in his pocket and wiped his hands on the clothes.
"Don’t worry if you are old. You see that she has guaranteed it." King Kong Gun smirked.
"Let’s go, let’s go." I bowed my head and waved my hand. I promised to fart.
Look at this team composed of a dog, a madman, a brain and a few strings, I really can’t laugh and cry. Can such a team enter Kunlun Mountain?
"Wait a minute, old cow." Not far away, a small ravine appeared. I took the King Kong cannon a few steps ago and commanded a few words.
"Can you do it?" King Kong cannon turned to stare at me.
"You want to find out the truth, just listen to me and remember it, just like walking at ordinary times." I said, and I deliberately fell a few steps behind and watched the King Kong cannon lead the black madness to approach the ravine.
The ravine is more than three meters wide, and it is not easy for ordinary people to jump over it. I just told the King Kong cannon to keep his face down and make the popular tactic cross over to observe the black madness reaction, because in my memory, when Mu Zhuifeng was performing the popular tactic because of his short stature, there was a strange gesture that was different from other students.
King Kong cannon approached the ravine and stepped forward slightly, and Black Madness naturally followed the past without reluctance or deliberately, but when she started, it was indeed that her feet did not move, and she turned her back and waved her sleeves, which was the desire to chase the wind and dance with the sleeves.
From this moment on, I know I can’t call her black crazy anymore.
"Is it always her?" The white wolf and I crossed the ravine and asked me a question.
I nodded my head.
"Then how did she become crazy?" The king kong cannon breathes and warms its hands. The snow is getting heavier.
"In Ziyang’s view, her soul bending technique is the best. If she wants to move her soul to prolong her life, it’s a piece of cake. There won’t be any mistakes. What made her look like today? I guess she may have used the spirit-prolonging tactic to keep the repair in the past." I grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into my mouth.
Although the same purple spirit is still very strong after thousands of years, the spirit of chasing the wind and the spirit of riding the wind are still very dim. Although it may have been injured in that year, there is still a reason to have to be that both the soul-shifting method and the rebirth method will weaken one’s true life and the stored aura, and the spirit-resisting and spirit-prolonging tactic is the only spell that can keep one’s self-cultivation, but as the saying goes, "You can’t have it both ways". The biggest drawback of the spirit-prolonging tactic is that it reduces the control of the host soul. Moreover, it is easy to be assimilated and lost. Moreover, because ordinary people’s body roots can’t bear the arbitrary practice and aura of monks, the possessed person often dies suddenly, so it is also a sorcery to resist the spirit and prolong the spirit.
"Ah … isn’t she dying?" Before king kong cannon, I once heard about the thirteen tactics of his master’s royal air defense, so I also know that people who have been given the spirit-prolonging tactic usually don’t live for two years
"This girl should be attached to this girl because she has something unfinished. When the time comes, she should be able to collect her work and drive the crane west, but I’m worried about whether she remembers what she really wants to do now?" I shook my head with a wry smile and tried so hard to keep my aura, but in the end I forgot what I was doing to keep my aura. That’s sad.
"Is her stupidity influenced by the spirits of those people she once possessed?" King Kong Gun pulls out cigarette case.
"One year and twelve years, each person can possess at most two years. Do the math yourself. How many people have she lost over the years can she be unaffected?" I lit a cigarette and smoked a few mouthfuls, feeling much warmer.

However, this is just thinking about it, because they dare not do so, and their status is too low and the consequences are very serious. If they are injected by a supervisor of Yan Jing Mine, they may go to the dead.

So most of the mine protection mines can try their best to show their best side when they come to release the dragon for inspection, so that they may be able to reach the sky in one step?
People always have dreams, otherwise what is the difference with salted fish?
Even if the probability is too small.
This situation is like many poor and talented otaku always fantasize that Bai Fumei loves himself and can’t stop himself, so that he can make a fool of himself.
Less struggle for decades.
Many people always feel that they are the lucky ones when they see the success stories of a few lucky ones.
And in the eyes of all the natives, it’s true that the dragon’s adult came to inspect this place and said that the owner of this phlogistic crystal mine should be the dragon’s adult in the future, right?
Even if it’s a trivial mineral land of Buddhism’s huge industry.
Yang guang incarnation release dragon at this time really suddenly became a big shot.
There are people everywhere, and there are people everywhere to please.
However, he disdains to reply to ingratiate himself with others, but on the contrary, he makes more people recognize his identity. However, Yang Guang knows very well that fakes are always fake, even if changes are as true as imitations.
There are fakes who know they are fake.
Unless one day, the king’s flag is changed and turned over to be the master, just like the earth. During the Li and Tang Dynasties, the Tang Emperor always said that he was a descendant of Lao Li ‘er.
Now Yang Guang is a little dangerous. Once the real dragon is here, he will be exposed. However, there may be a powerful guardian when the real dragon is traveling.
It’s always Yang Guangxian who makes a fortune and leaves immediately.
Anyway, if it hadn’t been smashed face to face, then the matter would have been elaborated. Naturally, Yang Guang also casually said that the current situation of this phlogistic crystal mine will also have a steward to ponder itself.
Speak out the data of phlogistic crystal minerals and take Yang Guang to the warehouse.
Store a large number of phlogistic minerals
Phlogistic ore is a kind of ore which is very suitable for smelting weapons, especially with some additional properties. The texture is quite hard and not easy to break.
"release the dragon’s adult here is our phlogistic crystal mine warehouse but heavily guarded" a keeper steward said to Yang guang.
"Oh, it doesn’t look like a lot!" Yang guang looked around for a while, so a gesture said
And his tone made everyone present sound like he was dissatisfied.
"Good call release dragon adults know a batch of phlogistic crystal ore has been released adults away"
Yang guang seems a little familiar with this name.
By the way, he remembered that Yang Guang met the dying native named "Shi Di" in Langyapo. Isn’t his master Shi Hang?
Is it the same name and surname?
Yang guang can’t control it, but at that time, Shi di let Yang guang get away with it without causing too much doubt, even if it was made of ecstasy and white mint behind, killing many blood wolves and being perceived by a limited number of people such as Shi Long.
But it’s not. It’s all over