

1. **止咳作用**:甘草口服液中的甘草流浸膏和复方樟脑酊是主要发挥止咳作用的成分。甘草流浸膏可以镇咳,减轻咳嗽症状;复方樟脑酊则能抑制咳嗽中枢,起到止咳的效果。

2. **祛痰作用**:甘草口服液中的甘草流浸膏和愈创甘油醚具有祛痰作用。甘草流浸膏可以保护呼吸道黏膜,减轻炎症,促进痰液排出;愈创甘油醚则能分解痰液中的粘性物质,使其更容易排出。

3. **消炎作用**:甘草口服液中的甘草成分具有消炎作用,对于上呼吸道感染、支气管炎、扁桃体炎等引起的炎症有一定的缓解作用。

4. **适用于以下病症**:


– 上呼吸道感染:如感冒、咽炎、扁桃体炎等。
– 支气管炎:如急性支气管炎、慢性支气管炎等。


– 咳嗽:包括干咳、湿咳等。
– 咳痰不爽:如痰液粘稠、难以咳出等。

5. **注意事项**:
– 孕妇、哺乳期妇女、儿童、司机、高空作业人员和精细作业人员应慎用。
– 服药期间应避免食用生冷、辛辣、油腻食物,以免影响药物效果。
– 服药期间如有恶心、呕吐等不良反应,应停止用药并咨询医生。
– 长期服用可能导致成瘾性,不宜长期服用。
– 如症状持续不改善,应及时就医。



1. **活血化瘀**:三七具有活血化瘀的功效,可以改善血液循环,对于因血瘀引起的疼痛、肿胀等症状有缓解作用。

2. **止血**:三七能有效缩短凝血时间,增加血小板数量,对于各种出血症状,如吐血、衄血、便血、崩漏等,有止血作用。

3. **消肿止痛**:对于跌打损伤、瘀血肿痛等外伤症状,三七能够消肿止痛,促进伤口愈合。

4. **抗衰老**:三七中的有效成分具有抗氧化作用,可以帮助延缓衰老过程,保护皮肤健康。

5. **保肝护肝**:三七能增强肝脏的排毒功能,有助于肝脏损伤的恢复。

6. **改善微循环**:三七能够增强免疫力和调节内分泌功能,改善身体的微循环,增强抵抗力。

7. **治疗心脑血管疾病**:三七能够扩张血管,增加心肌收缩能力,预防心脑血管疾病和冠状动脉硬化。

8. **抗炎镇痛**:三七具有抗炎和镇痛作用,对于关节炎、风湿病等炎症性疾病有一定的缓解效果。

9. **补血**:对于身体虚弱、失血、贫血等症状,三七有补血作用。


10. **增强记忆力**:三七对于脑力劳动者有益智的作用,能保护脑神经,增强记忆力,缓解老年痴呆症。

11. **调节血压和血脂**:三七对于血压和血脂有稳定的调节作用,有助于预防和治疗高血压、高血脂。

12. **抗肿瘤**:三七中的某些成分具有抗癌活性,可能对肿瘤有一定的辅助治疗作用。

13. **其他效用**:三七对于神经衰弱、食欲不振等症状也有一定的改善作用。



1. **润肺止咳**:雪梨性凉,具有润肺、止咳、化痰的作用,对于缓解咳嗽、咽干、喉咙痛等症状有很好的效果。

2. **养胃生津**:雪梨中的水分含量高,可以帮助滋养胃阴,生津止渴,对于胃阴不足、口干舌燥有缓解作用。

3. **滋阴润燥**:红糖性温,有很好的滋阴润燥作用,与雪梨搭配炖汤,可以增强滋阴润燥的效果,适合秋冬季节食用。

4. **养血润肤**:红糖中含有的多种微量元素,如铁、钙、锌等,对于补血养颜、润泽肌肤有一定的帮助。

5. **清热解毒**:雪梨与红糖结合,具有一定的清热解毒作用,适合内热、热病后恢复期食用。


6. **促进消化**:红糖有助于促进肠道蠕动,对于消化不良、便秘有一定的缓解作用。

7. **增强免疫力**:雪梨中的维生素C和其他营养成分,可以增强人体的免疫力,有助于预防感冒和其他疾病。

8. **缓解疲劳**:红糖中的糖分可以迅速补充能量,对于疲劳、体力下降有一定的缓解作用。




1. **养心安神**:猪心含有丰富的营养,特别是铁质,能够帮助改善心脏功能,对于心脏病的预防和治疗有一定的辅助作用。中医认为猪心具有养心安神的作用,对于心神不宁、失眠多梦等症状有缓解效果。

2. **补益心脾**:猪心与莲子、太子参、桂圆、淮山、红枣等食材搭配炖煮,可以增强脾胃功能,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、消化不良等有改善作用。


3. **提高免疫力**:猪心中含有多种维生素和微量元素,这些成分对于增强人体免疫力、提高抗病能力有积极作用。

4. **促进新陈代谢**:猪心中的蛋白质对于更新人体组织、调节器官活性、维持新陈代谢和提高免疫力等方面都有较好的作用。

5. **滋阴润燥**:在立夏等节气,人们常常选择猪心炖汤来滋阴润燥,帮助调节身体机能,适应季节变化。

6. **改善视力**:猪心中的某些营养成分有助于改善视力,缓解眼疲劳。

7. **缓解疲劳**:猪心炖煮后的汤汁富含营养,适量饮用可以帮助缓解疲劳,提升活力。


8. **补血养血**:猪心与桂圆、红枣等食材搭配,具有补血养血的功效,适合贫血的人群食用。



1. **润肺止咳**:柚子皮能够入肺经,具有滋阴润燥、缓解肺热肺燥的功效,可以消除肺气管中的炎症,有助于缓解咳嗽和气喘。

2. **消肿止痛**:柚子皮能促进血液循环,对于冬季因冻疮引起的皮肤红肿疼痛有缓解作用。将柚子皮烘烤后煎煮的水可以用来涂抹或浸泡患处。


3. **降脂减肥**:柚子皮含有的活性酶可以加快脂肪燃烧和分解,抑制脂肪吸收,有助于减轻体重,预防高血脂,对心血管健康有益。

4. **美容养颜**:柚子皮中含有的黄酮类物质,如芦丁,具有抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老和美容养颜。

5. **助消化**:柚子皮性温,有助于消化,尤其是在中秋节等节日后,可以用来帮助消化油腻食物。

6. **治疗小儿肺炎**:柚子皮煎汤可用于治疗小儿肺炎,连续服用几天后病情可能得到缓解。

7. **治疗食积不化**:柚子皮煮水可以与萝卜籽一起煎汤服用,有助于治疗食积不化。

8. **止妊娠呕吐**:孕妇在妊娠初期常出现呕吐,柚子皮煎汤服用可以止住妊娠呕吐。

9. **治疗冻疮**:晒干的柚子皮煮水,煎煮至浓稠后热敷冻伤处,可促进冻伤恢复。

10. **治疗脚气**:柚子皮煮水泡脚,具有止痒、消炎、愈合伤口的效果。

11. **清洁去异味**:柚子皮煮水可以清除排水管周围的脏物和异味,清洁家具,保持室内环境清新。

12. **延缓衰老、清洁口腔、去火、止咳平喘**:柚子皮煮水还具有延缓衰老、清洁口腔、去火、止咳平喘的功效。



1. **蛋白质和碳水化合物**:大米是碳水化合物的良好来源,能迅速为人体提供能量。同时,大米也含有一定量的蛋白质,虽然含量不如豆类和肉类,但其蛋白质易于消化吸收。

2. **B族维生素**:大米富含多种B族维生素,如维生素B1、B2、B3、B6和叶酸等,这些维生素对于维持神经系统健康、促进新陈代谢和能量代谢至关重要。

3. **矿物质**:大米含有铁、镁、磷、锌等矿物质,这些矿物质对于维持身体的正常功能、增强免疫力以及促进骨骼健康都十分有益。

4. **膳食纤维**:虽然精制大米中的膳食纤维含量较低,但糙米中含有的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道健康,预防便秘。

5. **胚芽**:糙米中富含的营养物质主要集中在胚芽部分,包括蛋白质、脂肪、B族维生素、维生素E和矿物质等。胚芽是糙米的精华所在,对于补充营养素更为全面。

6. **中医功效**:根据中医理论,大米具有补中益气、健脾养胃、益精强志、和五脏、通血脉、聪耳明目、止烦、止渴、止泻等功效。

7. **米油**:大米煮粥时,粥的表面会形成一层浓滑如膏的稀黏之物,即米油,这是补益填精的上品,对病人、产妇、老人及体弱者尤为适宜。

8. **护肤美容**:大米中的营养成分有助于补充肌肤所缺失的水分,使皮肤充满弹性,具有一定的护肤美容作用。

9. **抗衰老**:大米胚芽中含有大量的维生素E,被誉为“天然的维生素E仓库”,具有抗衰老作用。

10. **预防疾病**:大米中的B族维生素有助于预防脚气病和消除口腔炎症。



Chapter 40 Breaking all laws with one sword

This fine mark is not straight, but around the ape-demon method.
When you practice kung fu to a certain extent, you can choose a good sword to practice flying swords, and kill one person in ten steps without leaving a line.
At this point, there is already a flag-winning money for the generals in the army.
Ordinary fighters have to be martial arts masters to achieve this.
Practitioners are born with advantages in this respect. Practitioners don’t realize the unity of heaven and earth, and they become flying swords in front of each other. Practitioners have parry skills but don’t fight back.
Although there is little difference in life practice, there will be great difference in actual combat power, not to mention there are many strange spells for practitioners
Of course, when the martial art reaches the broken virtual foundation, it will be the fairy of the Yuan God. Maybe it will be stronger. It is much easier to survive the natural disaster or three disasters than the practitioners. This is another advantage.
However, martial arts can go to the so-called broken virtual point in the pre-Li Zhichang world, which can be said to be three or four hundred years. Compared with the practitioners, there are not many yuan gods, but it is too easy to become immortal.
After the flying sword is practiced, it is the so-called four swordsmanship of the practitioners. These four swordsmanship are refining the sword into silk, firm but gentle Lei Yin instant swordsmanship and sword light differentiation.
This is not something that can be achieved after cultivation, because practitioners are not as bad at understanding swordsmanship as fighters who fight for life and death all the year round, and few people have achieved the four great swordsmanship.
Many practitioners who are one step away from Yuan Shen couldn’t practice one of the swordsmanship if they didn’t practice sword all the way.
Instant skill and firm but gentle Lei Yin are both fast swords and martial arts, and they are all the same in actual combat.
These two swordsmanship are also the easiest to practice.
On the contrary, refining the sword into silk and differentiating the light of the sword are really powerful swordsmanship, and it is necessary to practice Gu Jian’s’ one sword to break all laws’.
The so-called breaking all laws with one sword means that it doesn’t matter what spells you have, what treasures you have, I will chop everything with one sword, which is naturally unstoppable.
At the same time, there is also peerless swordsmanship to make the flying sword body sharp and incisive.
Qingqing can become a peerless swordsman before the Yuan God.
When it comes to "refining swords into silk", it is necessary to repair enough earth, but there is no magical solution that cannot be broken.
Although Qingqing has a sword, the sword is refined into a sharp sword, even if the ape-man method meets Qingqing, this peerless swordsmanship can’t help but growl and obviously attaches great importance to it.
Bursts of black light exploded from the ape-demon method, and dark clouds filled the sky with gloom.
It’s incredible how fast the two sides can join hands.
After all, Baishan is a green horse of the earth. Even if there is a sword to break all means, the strength is not good.
Projected far away to more than ten miles away.
Baishan doesn’t kill Qingqing, and he is preparing to leave in the direction of Xu Hongru.
Suddenly, a thunderous bell struck from Loushan.
Baishan just remembered that there is a thunder temple near here with a powerful magic weapon called the flying clock, which can send out Lei Yin with great power.
He snorted angrily.
A punch at Loushan Thunder is a smashing of the vast soup, and the marginal boxing force smashed the door plaque of Leiming Temple several miles away.
Suddenly the clock didn’t ring and dozens of Buddhist names came.
Baishan is not afraid of things to make big. Let Shen Guyun escape first. After all, he is injured.
He chased Xu Hongru in the direction of escape alone.
Although he doesn’t have the vision of a Buddhist bald donkey to see the scene thousands of miles away, the avatar is serious after all, and he senses that his vitality fluctuates dozens of miles away, knowing that I’m afraid something has happened again.
It is said that Xu Hongru Yuan Shen went away for dozens of miles in a short time.
In the depths of the chaotic mountain, Fenshui Hui sensed the shocking sword in the distance and he knew Qingqing had made a move.
Martial sister is fierce. He always knows that it is not a problem to stop Baishan for a moment.
He knew that in the face of such characters as Baishan, he was not far away, and he couldn’t get rid of each other by wiping off his breath after a heavy hand.
Up to now, he hasn’t felt anything in the picture scroll.
Fortunately, the picture is clear and aura is not full of his strength.
Yuan Shen escapes light very quickly.
At this time, suddenly, a dark black sword light came, and the speed of the sword was appalling.
Come at the same time.
Xu Hongru’s mind turned sharply like light, and he was a master of firm but gentle Lei Yin.
Practice firm but gentle Lei Yin fly sword speed is not in the yuan god dun light he don’t have to burn yuan god?
I didn’t expect to be pecked by geese all day long.
He hasn’t come yet, lamenting that mantis pounces on cicada and yellowbird is behind.
After all, Qingqing may not be able to stop Baishan for long. If he fights with this sword fairy for a while, it will be more risky.
He immediately turned his head and went west.
It’s not the east that goes to the border of Zhejiang, not far from Jinshan Temple. Some old bald donkeys are especially powerful, and it will be even more troublesome if they are disturbed.

"Never," said the elder. "Maybe it’s time to get to Zhongyu."

Taiyi road
"You turned down Taidao, and said I’m Taidao. Now I’m confronted with the enemy ice monster, and I can’t protect myself from Taidao." Taiyi Zhangjiao looked at an elder not far away and said,
"It’s the way to teach the immortal by hook or by crook. Didn’t all the grandfathers do the same in those days?" The old man’s old qi machine is obviously an ancient revival antique.
Although the answers of the main doors are different, they all mean a man who is busy with the great cause of sealing the gods and cannot be distracted. He tries his best to help.
"Danger sees people’s hearts, Terran. These monks have really torn their faces to pieces. They can die in front of interests. Friends can’t die being original." Jade Duxiu sighed gently with her hands on the altar.
It’s a trip to muddy water after the Jade Show, and a stir makes this muddy water even more groggy and impenetrable.
"Die! The more you die, the more tragic it is. The closer you are to the flowers," Yu Duxiu said.
In the virtual sky, thunder and dark clouds pressed the city to destroy the wind and rolled up several soldiers in the wind.
"Bold, this is my way of fighting. You wait for the four seas to offend me."
Looking at the overwhelming dark clouds, a quasi-fairy-level strong man proudly angered the four dragons.
Responding to this elder is a lightning bolt, but seeing a congenital westerly wind in the virtual reality, it rolled up and instantly blew towards this elder.
"What do you want to do with the old things? This time, I’m determined to destroy you all over the world. What do you want to do when you say so much?" The west wind revealed itself from the strong wind, and the elders of the Tao constantly collided with the innate west wind. The elders were born with immortal flashes and rolled up with bursts of vitality.
"Don’t reason with them and kill them directly. Now, the godfather may notice the movement here in Kunshan at any time. Once the godfather intervenes in our plan, it will be ruined." The East China Sea Dragon King suddenly waved his hand and the banner fluttered in the wind. "Kill and enter Taidou Road to rob Taidou Road treasures."
In the East China Sea, I don’t know how many monks have been mobilized this time, but I see that the monks are overwhelming like locusts falling from the sky and descended on the military camp.
The soldiers and crabs will be as dense as rain. The Terran Taidao soldiers are also not to be outdone. They will have a bloody fight. At this time, the blood and rain will fall, and the thunder will burst. At this time, the number of soldiers will instantly float out and fall into the list of gods.
Looking at the overwhelming soul before the altar of gods, it seems like a waterfall torrent. Jade Duxiu suddenly has a contraction of the pupil. "Great this battle of gods has swept through the Terran, the Wild and the Dragon, and all the powerful people have entered the list of gods."
Jade Duxiu held out her finger and silently estimated it for a while before saying, "The list of gods is truly sealed after this battle. Hundreds of millions of beings have entered the list of gods. This list of gods will be so strong that even the godfather will be jealous. This list of gods has really become a treasure. The future will dominate the rise and fall of the terran destiny and the future of the race."
After that, Jade Duxiu caressed the list of gods, but there was a little smile at the corner of her mouth. "This is the battle of gods that I have been waiting for a long time."
"Damn bold sea clan dares to invade my Terran. It’s really a sin to say this plainly. Brother Taidao listened to the command to cast his magical powers and killed the sea clan friar." Taidou Zhang taught to shake the flag on the mountain top of Taidou Road, and looked at the convulsions in the heart of the old master who was constantly crumbling and falling. I don’t know how many Taimen will be left after this World War I.
Chapter 125 The number of wars falling continuously
Taidao, a quasi-fairy west gale constantly collides with innate immortality, and the innate immortality of the body is constantly intertwined. Every collision rolls up a burst of energy storm, and the clouds are pierced in Fiona Fang’s thousands of miles of instant dust.
"Kill" the west wind roars and the divine light flows around.
"West wind, you lowly bastard, today I have to suppress you." The cold light in the eyes of the Taoist elders is overflowing and the dangers are constantly rising.
"How dare you, an old dog, dare to insult your seat today?" The west wind suddenly became angry from embarrassment when he heard the word "bastard", surrounded by the innate west wind and struck the Taoist elders.
The Taoist priest was blasted by the west wind, and the innate light twisted in vain for a moment, but he saw the innate divine light flow and the scattered innate immortal light regrouped in the distance, and the Taoist priest was not hurt at all.
"I didn’t expect millions of people to see you, you bastard. The congenital westerly wind is getting worse. I accidentally suffered a big loss. It’s really interesting. Let’s compare it again." That Taoist elder flashed the innate immortal light and twisted it in vain. This time, the innate immortal light escaped a different kind of qi machine. The qi machine soared into the sky and the breathing was broken. The west wind was about to exert its innate immortal defense, but it never occurred to me that the innate immortal light was suddenly twisted around the west wind, and the west wind had split its limbs and escaped in vain.
This is the quasi-immortal battle. If it is not necessary, there will be no struggle between the two sides. Because when it comes to the quasi-immortal realm, if there is no special means, it will be difficult to resist the other side. The so-called struggle is just a white effort.
Swish the innate immortality and regroup, only to see that the west wind is sullen. Looking at the Taoist elders, they didn’t make moves again. It means that the two sides are confronting each other in the middle.
At this moment, the real dominant battlefield is not innate immortality, but the realm of nature. Does the Godsworn really decide the trend of the battlefield or the strength of the Godsworn?
"Kill" Mo Xie’s sword in his hand, and the number of places where the firm but gentle wind fills the air, the strong and dormant corpse of the sea clan faces Mo Xie, the top younger generation monk, and the root of his accident is to deliver food.
More than a monk like Mo Xie, with the blessing of a medieval sword, his power may not be much worse than that of a quasi-fairy. You can ask the quasi-fairy to take a few moves.
"Hey!" But seeing Mo Xie’s sword, firm but gentle, and thousands of miles of blood flowing into the river is like a wonderful thing for ordinary monks. It is a natural condition to ask the other party not to take the initiative to provoke themselves. Mo Xie Gen won’t even look at it. Only those antique things that really deserve Mo Xie’s attention.
And Mo Xie is specifically pegged to those antique hands long sword and thousands of miles away will be a surprise antique to sword slay.
"Terrible, this little thing is really terrible. You can’t let it continue to kill me like this. No amount of Godsworn in the four seas is enough to kill me." The Dragon King of the East China Sea proudly made the flag fly in his hand.

Blood parasite?

From a certain point of view, this kind of demon method parasitic in human blood can really be classified into the category of blood parasites
Who’s that Wang Peng? Why is there a demon in his body?
"Wang Peng … Wang Peng …" Lin Yang’s eyebrows slightly wrinkled lightly chanting this quite popular name, but no image in my mind can be linked to this name.
At this time, a doctor in his thirties suddenly said, "In my opinion, the name Wang Peng is a pseudonym in nine cases out of ten."
"Why do you say that?" Lin Yang was a little surprised.
The doctor explained, "Last night, I was on duty in the emergency department. It was about twelve o’clock too fast. At one o’clock, a man rushed into the emergency department and asked us to give him a physical examination from beginning to end at once. At that time, although he looked grim and a little flustered, he didn’t have any serious emergency symptoms, so he was asked to register first. Because there were no patients in the emergency department at that time, I happened to have to go to the toilet, so I took him to the registration office. Our hospital needed it because of digital management. When you show your ID card, you can link the patient’s medical history information with his identity information to avoid confusion. However, when the person registered, he said that he didn’t bring his ID card, but he reported a Wang Peng name. Before he reported the name Wang Peng, he obviously thought of an ordinary person. When he reported his name, he said it smoothly. How can he even think about his name? So I will think that nine times out of ten, he reported a fake name. "
Lin Yang nodded and felt that the doctor’s speech was quite reasonable.
This guy who claimed to be Wang Peng came to the hospital for a physical examination. Obviously, he suspected that his body was contaminated with the demon method, but why did he report a false name? Don’t want to reveal your true identity?
Lin Yang has more and more questions in his heart.
After a moment of meditation, he asked, "Did you leave this personal contact at that time?"
"No" The doctor who was on duty in the emergency department shook his head last night. "I wanted him to leave a contact information, but after he got a set of medical report forms to confirm that he was in good health and there was nothing wrong, he left straight away. If there was a contact information, we would definitely call him over for a face-to-face examination as soon as we found the blood abnormality early today."
This answer disappointed Lin Yang. He wanted to think and turned to Jiang Fan and said, "Four seniors, there should be monitoring equipment in your hospital, right?" Can you show me the video of the man who claimed to be Wang Peng entering the hospital at 12 o’clock last night? "
"No problem" Jiang Fan nodded and then asked, "Little teacher younger brother, did you find anything?" Lin Yang nodded and replied, "According to my observation, these creatures wandering in the blood are probably not ordinary parasites but methods."
"Hey?" Jiang Fanwen one leng.
Not only he was in the pathology laboratory, but the other doctors were shocked.
After a short silence, they all said, "Method? Young man, are you kidding us? "
"How even the novel method came out? We are a serious hospital here, and we are all trained by formal medical education. Doctors should believe in science and whether they can believe in this superstition. "
"This is a new blood parasite. How did it become a method? This is too fantastic. "Most of these doctors present are skeptical about Lin Yang’s speech, and only a small number of researchers have profound knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. After hearing Lin Yang’s words, they look serious and sink into the sink, but they are quite calm when they question Lin Yang.
If he had been in the past, he would have doubted whether there was a method in this world. But after he became a soul-builder and witnessed and experienced all kinds of incredible things, he had already learned a truth-just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean that it’s not worse. He has seen it before.
After a slight smile, Lin Yang slowly explained that "the method is not a fictional thing in the novel, nor is it a superstitious product. In ancient Chinese medicine, there is a lot of research and analysis on the method of insects, such as the first record of the method of three insects in Chishui Xuanzhu Insect Method, but it is recorded in the classics of traditional Chinese medicine such as Syndrome Treatment and Supplement, Theory of Various Pathogens and Symptoms, and even recorded in detail in Theory of Various Pathogens and Symptoms. That is to say, the method can be confused and people who eat and drink will suffer. In addition, even the history "Left" is strange, and there are pictures of the method in the Book of Changes. From the perspective of modern medicine, the method can be classified into the category of parasites. However, compared with ordinary parasites, the method is more dangerous and deadly, and the biggest difference between the method and ordinary parasites is that the method will obey the orders of the people who practice the method, which means that if you are right, your life will be controlled by the people who practice the method. If he wants you to die at night, even the terrifying can’t kill you.
Lin Yang’s voice just fell, and the previous doctors who have profound research on traditional Chinese medicine expressed their approval for his analysis and judgment. "This young man said that it is true that in many doctors, it is indeed recorded in the method, and in some doctors, it is also analyzed in the method bill, that is, the case report is extremely numerous in the troubled times, but in the peaceful and prosperous times, the method information is much less. The worm situation in these blood is very strange and there are many similarities with the method."
"Whether you believe it or not, you’d better be careful when you talk. This method is one hundred times and one thousand times more dangerous than ordinary parasites. If you accidentally contaminate things, these methods will get into your body and multiply rapidly. It won’t be long before your body will become a worm nest. When the method is sent, these insects will tear your skin and drill out …"
After throwing such creepy words, Lin Yang pulled Jiang Fan out of the pathology laboratory and went to the hospital security section to check the video data last night.
After the two of them left, the people in the pathology research room looked at me and I looked at you. Although these people didn’t necessarily believe Lin Yang’s words, they all became cautious and cautious. After all, no one wanted to be a method insect to breed meat nests.
At the same time, Lu Jiangfan, who was going to the hospital security department, asked curiously, "Little teacher younger brother, have you ever seen the method before?" Otherwise, how can you say that the situation at the time of the hair is so detailed? "
"When I was studying with my teacher, I once saw my teacher treat a patient with psychosis." On this question, Lin Yang told a little lie, and there are some things that still can’t be told to others.
Jiang Fan didn’t doubt his words. "So that’s what I said. How do you know about the method so carefully? Ah, by the way, according to your judgment, the guy who claims to be Wang Peng is in the method? Then who gave him this trick? "
"It’s not clear." Lin Yang shook his head. "Unless we can find that person."
Soon the two men walked into the hospital security section.
After listening to Jiang Fan’s words, the head of the safeguard section immediately brought up the surveillance video data last night, and it didn’t take much time to find the person who claimed to be Wang Peng to leave an image.
It was this man who wore a trench coat and a big felt hat and deliberately lowered his head, which made the surveillance camera in the hospital unable to photograph his features.
Lin Yang eyes involuntarily fell on the man’s right arm.
"His right arm is intact. It seems that he should not be Lynne …"
I don’t know why Lin Yang once doubted whether this self-proclaimed Wang Peng could be Lynne. But now see this man intact right arm Lin Yang immediately dismissed the speculation.
So who can this person be?
Lin Yang’s heart is full of questions, but he suffers from no clues.
Jiang Fan is as confused as he is. "This man really covered himself up. I don’t know what he thinks and doesn’t want to expose his appearance to the surveillance camera." Is there any ulterior secret? "
"Four senior brothers, what are you going to do?" After leaving the security department, Lin Yang asked
Jiang Fan replied, "We must try to find this person, but it’s okay for us doctors to see a doctor and look for clues to find someone, but that’s not the case. We intend to call the police and ask the police to help find this person."
Lin Yang nodded his head.
As far as the current situation is concerned, calling the police is obviously the most reliable method.

"Smoke son, you go first. I’ll stand in the way and never let them chase you!"

Wu to didn’t look back shouted 1 stuff teacher younger brother cross in the channel will be rushed to a few people stopped.
"Looking for death!"
Wu to hum a wrist turn a sword shake generate out a cold firm but gentle tip trembling like a snake erratic stab forward!
Came to the man’s eyes with a panic show didn’t expect to have such means to want to dodge is not.
Lotus flower flashed, and there was a blood hole in the man’s chest, and his eyes gradually faded away.
Wu to a pedal after the man’s body again to monks fight.
Melee fighting is far more dangerous than imperial sword fighting.
Because both sides are tossing and turning in a small range, when there is almost no too much reaction, a little carelessness may lead to the death of their heads on the spot!
In front of the two monks, with their bare hands, they played against the enemy slightly, but they were killed on the spot by Wu Xiang and two others in one round.
Wu Xiang’s two swords can frighten the monk behind him, but he didn’t expect the two men in front to die, and the monk behind him didn’t hesitate to stop and kill with a straight face!
This group of people in the eyes of that kind of indifference to the heart a quiver.
"Who are you!"
Wu stepped back and asked questions.
"Don’t even know who we are, dare to break into this place. It seems that you are confused by that Ji demon. Hehehe is really stupid."
A sneer came from the crowd.
"We are five big doors, and the younger brother of Nanyue doesn’t know any Ji goblins. You’d better sign up and hurt your feelings!" Wu to shouted again.
"Hurt the gas?"
One person sneers, "What nonsense five doors are also worthy of my magic door? You Nanyue Sect don’t deserve to teach me shoes! "
What a magic man!
Wu to a shock in my heart.
His strength realm has vaguely learned that some wild mainland secrets.
There are many sects in the magic gate of the wild mainland, but seven sects have been praised as magic gates by the repair world!
The magic gate seven cases are the top forces in the wild mainland.
Although Nanyue Sect is known as five gates, it is in the realm of the Zhou Dynasty, which can be regarded as a corner of the desolate mainland!
That is to say, one of the seven cases of Magic Gate is a real monster, while Nanyue Sect is smaller than Nanyue Sect.
Wu Xiang knows seven cases of magic door, but he doesn’t know which seven cases it is.
At the moment, he hopes that the demon religion is not a magic door.
Just then, another monk of Nanyue Sect moved slowly and showed a flaw. His chest was scratched and blood gushed.
The monk’s physical strength has been somewhat exhausted, and suddenly he was hit hard by this. He stumbled and had two more blood holes again!
A big head flies up
Wu Xiang felt a pain in his abdomen when he saw that his eyes were splitting.
A long knife penetrated the body and was stained with scarlet blood.
Wu Xiang trembled with pain and stared at his eyes. The sword forced the opposite person to retreat, and the whole person sat down on the ground in cold sweat.
The crowd scattered a black-robed monk with a full face of Shaqi, and looked at Wu Xiang and sneered, "You don’t even know who Ji goblin is!"
A bone gun suddenly popped up in the cuff of the black monk, and there were twelve joints with strong ShaQi.
The black monk waved his bone gun and moved forward slightly.
Wu was stabbed in the throat, and a dense black blood stain appeared on the original pale cheek, which was shocking!
This is a sign that qi enter that body!