
1. **加速新陈代谢**:水果酵素中的多种酶能够催化人体内的化学反应,促进新陈代谢,有助于提高身体能量水平。

2. **排毒清肠**:水果酵素可以帮助分解和排出体内积累的毒素,有助于清理肠道,维护消化系统的健康。

3. **美容养颜**:水果酵素能够促进血液循环,加速体内脂肪分解,有助于改善肤色,减少暗沉和粗糙,从而达到美容养颜的效果。

4. **减肥瘦身**:由于水果酵素能分解体内多余的脂肪,并且能补充人体所需的脂肪酶,因此对于减肥瘦身有积极作用。

5. **抗菌消炎**:水果酵素中含有天然的抗生素成分,可以增强白血球的杀菌能力,有助于消炎和治疗炎症。

6. **降血脂和降胆固醇**:水果酵素中的某些成分能够帮助降低血液中的血脂和胆固醇,对预防心血管疾病有一定的辅助作用。

7. **预防疾病**:水果酵素中的营养成分如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、维生素和膳食纤维等,有助于增强身体免疫力,预防疾病。

8. **改善肤质**:通过促进血液循环和加速新陈代谢,水果酵素有助于改善肤质,减少皮肤问题如痘痘、粉刺等。

9. **解酒和排除毒素**:水果酵素可以帮助肝脏分解酒精,减轻肝脏负担,同时有助于排除体内毒素。

10. **维持身体机能平衡**:水果酵素有助于调节身体的酸碱平衡,维持身体各项机能的正常运行。




### 苏子的功效解析:

1. **降气消痰,平喘**:苏子性辛、温,归肺、脾经,对于痰壅气逆、咳嗽气喘等症状有良好的缓解作用。

2. **润肠**:苏子能够帮助缓解肠燥便秘,对于改善肠道功能有一定的帮助。

3. **解表散寒**:适用于风寒感冒引起的咳嗽、气喘等症状。

4. **行气和胃**:对于妊娠呕吐、胎动不安等情况有缓解作用。

5. **解鱼蟹中毒**:苏子有解毒作用,可以用于鱼蟹中毒的解救。

6. **增强学习记忆功能**:现代药理研究表明,苏子中的有效成分紫苏子油可以增强学习记忆功能。


7. **降血脂**:苏子具有降低血脂的作用。


8. **降血压**:苏子中的有效成分-亚麻酸有助于降低血压。

9. **抑制血小板聚集**:-亚麻酸成分还有助于抑制血小板聚集。


10. **防腐、抗氧化**:苏子具有防腐和抗氧化作用,适用于食品和药物的长期贮存。

11. **抗癌作用**:研究表明苏子具有一定的抗癌作用。

12. **抑菌作用**:紫苏子油对多种细菌和霉菌有抑制作用。

### 使用注意事项:

1. **剂量控制**:使用苏子时,应严格按照医嘱或药典规定的剂量使用,过量可能导致不良反应。

2. **体质限制**:体质虚弱者、孕妇、哺乳期妇女应慎用,最好在医生指导下使用。

3. **禁忌**:对于对苏子或紫苏过敏的人群,应避免使用。

4. **药物相互作用**:在使用苏子期间,应注意与其他药物的相互作用,特别是与抗凝血药物等可能影响血液凝固的药物。

5. **保存条件**:苏子应存放在干燥、阴凉处,避免潮湿和高温,以防变质。

6. **使用方式**:根据不同的症状和体质,可以选择煎汤、泡茶、研磨成粉等多种方式使用苏子。



1. **补肾固精**:枸杞被认为有补肾壮阳的作用,可以增强男性的性功能和改善生殖系统健康。


2. **抗癌作用**:枸杞中的某些成分对癌细胞的生成和扩散有抑制作用。实验和临床研究表明,枸杞叶代茶饮用有助于提高老年人和肿瘤患者的免疫功能和生理功能。

3. **延缓衰老**:枸杞富含维生素C、磷、铁等多种营养成分,有助于补肾生精,从而延缓衰老过程。


4. **美容肌肤**:枸杞可以提高皮肤吸收养分的能力,对银屑病和其他皮肤病有一定的疗效。

5. **降血脂血压**:食用枸杞可以显著降低血脂和三酰甘油含量,减轻动脉硬化,对高血压和冠心病患者有良好的保健作用。


6. **抗疲劳**:枸杞能够增加肌糖原和肝糖原的储备量,提高人体活力,具有抗疲劳的效果。

7. **减肥**:枸杞含有丰富的核黄素、甜菜碱和抗坏血酸,有助于抑制脂肪在肝细胞内的沉淀,从而控制体重。

8. **降血糖**:枸杞含有一定的营养成分,可以降低血糖,因此可以作为糖尿病患者的保健品。

9. **明目**:枸杞被称为“明眼子”,对治疗肝血不足、肾阴亏虚引起的视物昏花和夜盲症有显著效果。

10. **提高免疫力**:枸杞可以扶正固本,增强机体技能,促进健康恢复,提高机体的抗病能力。



### 营养价值


– **蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物**:这些是人体必需的基本营养素,能够提供能量和构建身体组织。
– **维生素A**:有助于视力健康,特别是夜视能力,并有助于皮肤和黏膜的健康。
– **维生素C**:具有强大的抗氧化作用,能够增强免疫系统,抵抗疾病。
– **钙**:对骨骼健康至关重要,有助于预防骨质疏松症。
– **铁**:是红细胞生成的重要成分,有助于预防贫血。
– **钾**:对维持心脏健康和调节血压有重要作用。
– **膳食纤维**:有助于消化系统健康,预防便秘。


### 功效与作用


1. **增强免疫力**:冬葵中的维生素C和其他抗氧化物质有助于增强人体的免疫力,抵抗疾病。
2. **护眼明目**:维生素A和胡萝卜素对维护视网膜健康、改善视力有积极作用。
3. **促进骨骼健康**:丰富的钙质有助于骨骼生长和维护,预防骨折和骨质疏松。
4. **降低血压**:钾元素有助于调节体内电解质平衡,从而有助于降低血压。
5. **改善便秘**:膳食纤维有助于增加粪便体积,软化粪便,促进肠道蠕动,从而缓解便秘。
6. **利尿通便**:冬葵中的自然成分有助于促进尿液排出,加速体内多余水分的代谢,对肾炎、小便不利和身体浮肿有预防作用。

### 吃法建议


– **清炒**:将冬葵洗净切段,搭配蒜末、姜末等调料进行清炒,保持原汁原味。
– **煮汤**:与其他食材如排骨、豆腐等一起煮汤,增加营养和口感。
– **凉拌**:焯水后的冬葵可凉拌食用,清爽可口。



1. **膳食纤维保护**:烤苹果中的膳食纤维不会因为加热而损失,这些纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化功能,预防便秘。

2. **钾含量保持**:钾是维持心脏健康的重要矿物质,烤制过程不会显著降低苹果中的钾含量,有助于控制血压。


3. **糖分转化为有益的低聚糖**:苹果在加热过程中,部分糖分会转化为低聚糖,这些低聚糖对肠道有益,有助于改善消化系统的健康。


4. **抗氧化物质作用**:尽管加热会降低一些抗氧化物质,但苹果中的多酚类化合物和维生素C等抗氧化物质在烤制过程中仍能保持一定水平,有助于抵抗自由基,减少氧化应激,预防疾病。

5. **促进消化和养胃**:烤苹果的质地可能会变得更加柔软,有助于消化不良者和老年人食用,减少对胃黏膜的刺激,同时促进胃液分泌。

6. **控制血糖**:虽然烤制过程中苹果中的糖分会部分转化为糖浆,但苹果中的膳食纤维有助于减缓糖分的吸收,从而对控制血糖有积极作用。

7. **减肥和瘦身**:烤苹果因为糖分和热量的增加,可能不如生苹果那么适合减肥,但适量的食用可以帮助增加饱腹感,减少总体的食物摄入量。

8. **保护心血管健康**:烤苹果中的类黄酮等成分有助于降低胆固醇,减少心血管疾病的风险。

9. **补充营养和增强免疫力**:烤苹果含有维生素C、E、B族等多种维生素和矿物质,有助于增强免疫力,提高身体的抵抗力。



### 益处:

1. **抗氧化作用**:肽类成分具有很好的抗氧化特性,可以帮助抵抗自由基,延缓细胞老化,保护人体免受氧化应激的损害。

2. **促进健康**:某些肽类成分可以调节人体的生理功能,如增强免疫力、调节血糖、降低血压等,有助于预防多种疾病。

3. **美容护肤**:肽类成分在美容领域应用广泛,如胶原蛋白肽可以增加皮肤弹性、保持皮肤水分、美白肌肤,促进伤口愈合等。


4. **促进骨骼健康**:一些肽类成分可以促进骨骼生长和修复,有助于预防或缓解骨质疏松。


5. **改善消化功能**:肽类成分可以促进肠道健康,改善消化功能,有助于营养物质的吸收。

6. **减肥**:如司美格鲁肽等肽类成分,可以通过减少饥饿感、增加饱腹感和降低食物渴望来帮助患者减少热量摄入,从而达到减轻体重的目的。

### 影响:

1. **安全性**:肽类成分相对安全,但长期大量摄入或特定个体可能存在不良反应。

2. **生物利用度**:肽类成分在进入系统循环之前可能被口腔和胃肠道中的酶分解,因此其生物利用度可能受到影响。

3. **稳定性**:某些肽类成分可能因为温度、pH值等因素而不稳定,影响其功效。

4. **市场认知**:随着消费者对肽类成分及其功效的认知越来越深入,市场对肽类产品的需求不断增长。

5. **科研发展**:肽类成分的研究和应用不断深入,未来可能会有更多肽类成分被发现和应用。


"No, I asked him to arrange shifts, but he didn’t, and he also called names." The old man twisted his teeth with a baton and explained the sentence.

"How many times have you met me when you played cards on the job?" Sister Wen took a white look at the third child and woke up in an impatient tone. "Don’t make any noise again, don’t say I’ll write you down."
"Know Wen Jie" old nodding.
Sister Wen didn’t bother to go into the dormitory and shouted at Qin Yu at the door, "Are you new here?"
"Yes" Qin Yu nodded.
"Why don’t you get your clothes?"
"Nobody just went there," Qin Yu responded foolishly.
Sister Wen stared, "Bullshit, I’ve been in the office."
Qin Yu one leng "ah that is I didn’t find"
"Take clothes with me" Sister Wen threw a sentence and turned to leave.
"Good" Qin Yu immediately nodded and bent down to pick up his luggage and walked out. At the same time, he also called together "You come with me."
JiLin at this time is don’t know how to face the old a listen to these words immediately followed out.
Dormitory old sat up and rubbed his head, bowed his head and spat at the ground. "This king’s egg will be very dark."
"Nothing, third brother?"
Old also didn’t say anything bowed their heads and took out a cellular phone and dialed a number "hello you in the office? It’s okay. I’ll just ask you if Qin Yu, who entered the file today and assigned to our team, is there anything in it? ….. No? Are you sure? Yes, I know. "
Sister Wen turned her back on Qin Yu and asked, "Are you alone?"
Qin Yu one leng "no"
"If you don’t, be honest. The environment here is very complicated." Sister Wen woke up with a cold face and a warm heart. "Usually, if you don’t argue with them and do more work, you will never die."
"Thank you Wen Jie" Qin Yu nodded.
Sister Wen stopped talking and took Qin Yu to the warehouse on the first floor. From the inside, she picked out a set of police, a set of police training, a pair of handcuffs and a baton and floated away.
JiLin bowed their heads and glanced at his watch in the lobby on the first floor and said, "I’m going to send a material later, so I won’t accompany you. Go back and say something soft. Don’t make trouble with them. Captain Yuan has nothing to eat after you offend him."
"Ha ha, I know." Qin Yu nodded with a smile. "Do you want to have dinner together later?"
"Well, I’ll find you in the past if I have nothing to do." JiLin also readily agreed to come.
The two exchanged a few simple words, and Qin Yu returned to the dormitory again with his things, but at this time, the old three had already left the room, leaving two people, and they took a cold look at Qin Yu and then continued to sit on the bed and chat.
Qin Yu glanced at the two men, who went back to their beds and picked up their things neatly, and they didn’t have any birds.
At about 7 o’clock in the evening, Qin Yu packed his things and prepared to go to the street alone to get familiar with the surrounding environment and have dinner by the way when he saw that Qi Lin had not come to find himself.
Qin Yu rolled over the bed and pulled out a purse from the pillow, wrapped around him and stepped toward the outside.
"Oh, I’m sorry."
Qin Yugang went out and ran into Qi Lin, who came in a hurry. The latter immediately explained, "It’s too late for a temporary meeting. What are you …?"
"I don’t think you’re coming. I just want to go out and get something to eat." Qin Yu greeted with a smile. "Let’s go out and get something to eat."
"I have another friend who just wants to talk about something together today. Is it convenient for you to go together?" Qi Lin asked
"Convenient" Qin Yu leng all the way "the so-called piece"
After talking for a few words, the two of them stepped on the floor and met another guy at the entrance of the dormitory building hall.
Ji Lin’s friend is called Li Fugui, nicknamed the old cat. According to the old man in the Superintendent’s Department, he has a certain relationship with Superintendent Li, but they rarely contact each other at ordinary times. It’s not very clear what kind of marginal people they are. Moreover, this person has done the most outrageous thing at ordinary times, that is, he got drunk and openly solicited prostitutes on duty, and his mother insisted on auditioning and was touched by the inspection team. However, in the end, he was given a demerit and was punished for administrative suspension for half a month, but he always didn’t deal with two colleagues very well. However,
Although the old cat’s name is slightly terrapin, he looks serious and handsome. If Qin Yu’s face is the kind of guy with strong looks and heroic spirit, the old cat is the kind of handsome and handsome, which is a bit like Zray who was very hot before.
The three met and Qi Lin briefly introduced "This is a friend of Lao Mao who usually takes care of me. This is Qin Yu, a new trainee police officer in our team."
"I heard that you just got into trouble with the third child and them?" Lao Mao put his hand into his pocket with an evil smile on his mouth and asked, "Brother has a temper?"
"No, it’s just a quarrel." Qin Yu felt that the old cat’s personality was a bit vague and should be answered.
"I’m tired of them doing what they have to do," scolded the old cat with a pie mouth. "The first team is rotten boys doing nothing."
Qin Yu heard some words and turned to look at Ji Lin, who scratched his head and explained, "The old cat said what she said about this character."

Someone is breaking into the array!

I didn’t expect that there were other people besides him who risked their lives to cross the Ten Commandments in this Ten Commandments prison.
"Is it her?"
Sue ink heart move mind a purple figure.
In the flood, the water vapor roared constantly, and he could see the figure inside.
See the figure in the flood washed step by step and countercurrent.
However, if the person doesn’t go far, he will be hit by a torrent and return to the distance again.
So repeatedly
Su Mo denied the previous speculation.
Tang Ziyi, like him, is a ninth-order Xuanxian who can never withstand the power of the flood array.
Su Mo just stared at it for a while and gradually found the clue.
This figure seems to be covered with a mask, and I don’t know what forces are condensed to isolate it from the surrounding floods and protect it.
This person can fight the flood and walk more than ten feet away with this mask.
At this time, this mask is already unbearable, and some cracks seem to emerge, which may collapse at any time!
Turbid waves roared, and a wave of heavy impact came over and patted this figure.
This figure can no longer support being hit by this turbid wave, and it has almost fallen off the edge of the flood array!
Su Mo can see clearly this time.
The figure in the mask is Tang Ziyi!
Tang Ziyi looked pale and seemed to be hit by a lot, spitting out a big mouthful of blood.
At this time, her mask was full of cracks, and it was too broken to support a wave of floods.
She also realized that the dangerous figure stumbled and hurriedly retreated toward the outside of the array
Just then, Su Mo’s gods moved, and there were three figures galloping towards this place in the dense forest not far away!
Chapter one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven The ruling gathered together
Look at these three people. They should be all the way.
The three men went straight to Tang Ziyi in three directions, and their posture was very clever and fast!
Tang Ziyi has just retired from the flood, but before he can catch his breath, the three of them have already come!
"These three people are not weak."
Su Mo heart andao
The timing of these three people’s moves is very clever.
Tang Ziyi was seriously injured and just out of danger at this time. The five senses were washed and attacked by the flood, and it was the weakest time when they were not fully recovered.
Moreover, these three people all exude a disgusting stench and obviously carry highly toxic substances.
Three flying swords with flashing green light are almost assassinated from the left and right sides of the head at the same time in no particular order!
At the same time, the three mysterious immortals urged the Yuan gods to release the small avatar-fixing technique together.
Three-way body-fixing techniques are coming to Tang Zi’s clothes!
If you do other ninth-order Xuanxian, you will die.
Tang Ziyi is really good.
Although the five senses have not been restored, the ability to avoid danger is still there!
Tang Ziyi did not hesitate to open his mouth slightly and burst into a fairy whale sound!
Fairy whale sound just released half, she once again affected the body injury and spit out one mouthful blood.
But even so, the fairy whale sound broke out and scattered the magical power of the fixation.
At the same time, Tang Ziyi suddenly fell down, almost lying flat on the ground and jumping out!
Qiang Qiang!
Two flying swords collided and sparks flew.
But Tang Ziyi, the flying sword that fell from the sky, couldn’t hide from it.
She also realized this and directly reached out her palm with her bare hands to catch the flying sword that stabbed her!
The blade shines brightly!
Su Mo squints slightly.
This flying sword is a magic weapon of perfect order!
Lotus flower flash
The sword pierced Tang Ziyi’s palm, but failed to cut it off.
The flying sword cuts through the flesh and gets stuck in the bone, so it can’t be cut in any more.
Seeing this scene, Su Mo is not surprised.
He once competed with Tang Ziyi. Tang Ziyi’s flesh and blood are quite strong, and he obviously practiced some kind of body-building method.
And Su Mo vaguely felt that Tang Ziyi’s bones seemed to contain some powerful force.
But it’s hard to release when it’s suppressed

"This is the second district, and their reinforcements will come at any time. It is not necessarily a good thing that we are together." Coco calmly responded, "We’d better evacuate separately."

"You when I was a fool? !” Reed’s face has lost its amiable expression at this moment. "We must be together!"
Chapter DiErQiSan intrigue
What reed wants to tie cocoa to his side at this moment and never let her leave? In fact, the reason is simple.
As far as the present situation is concerned, who can organize armed forces to rescue Coco? Who has this ability? Obviously, the military and political levels in the three major regions are most likely to do this, and these people must only save cocoa and not care about CSS.
That is to say, if Reid loses control of cocoa now, the EO armed man Ma will evacuate with these people and abandon CSS.
To put it more bluntly, now that the two sides have jointly played cocoa, the final result is to evacuate back to the three major areas instead of continuing to be tied up with your CSS, because her purpose of looking for CSS has been achieved, and now it is the most correct choice to draw a clear line and divide it.
For a comprehensive reason, Reid doesn’t dare to let Cocoa get out of control now, or the other party will run away. They will be dead in the second district. Cocoa tied to death is the only vitality of CSS core department.
off-road vehicle
Reed looked at Coco with sweat on his forehead and said to her, "We must be together. You have to come with me."
"Mr. Reid, this is the second district! I don’t know how many people will chase us later. It is very unlikely that we will run out together now. "Coco looked at Reid with a frown and said," Why don’t I let the team stop in front of you and our car continue to run to attract the other side to chase the troops? "
Off-road vehicles are flying in the wild, which is about two or three kilometers away from the factory.
Reed turned to look around and saw that there were EO mercenary group off-road vehicles before and after his own car, and his heart was pounding.
Brother Hong frowned when he was on the co-pilot, and his arm hit a car driver, who turned his head and glanced at him, probably reading the meaning in his eyes.
After a short silence, a CSS soldier suddenly zipped his clothes and leaked explosives all over his chest. His left hand pulled the lead and suddenly he looked crazy and shouted at the driver in English, "Leave the team and let other vehicles continue to move forward!" ! !”
Reed looked at his soldiers and said nothing.
Coco stared at Reed and growled, "It’s no good for everyone if you do this!"
"… just like you, you’re going to die." Reed roared suddenly and violently with the veins standing out on his forehead. "The three regions will not shelter us politically. If you settle down, we will die."
"You calm down, Mr. Reed." Brother Hong spoke to persuade him.
"I suggest you listen to this soldier. He is very unstable," Reid replied, staring at Coco.
Cocoa looked at him and rushed to the driver and said, "Let’s drive to the left from the team."
“OK!” The driver nodded immediately and suddenly slammed the rudder to the left.
"Creaking …!"
The tires were rattling in the potholes, and the car body shook violently because of the sharp turn of the steering wheel.
"Do it!"
Cocoa yelled at the soldier who directly jumped on the lead from the back seat.
Reed suddenly hit his head on the back of the front seat when the car was shaking, and his whole body was pushed against the door.
Brother Hong was ready to shoot and kill the armed man with explosive fuse at the first time.
Almost at the same time, Coco, like a man, used his slim figure to get into the car for the first time from the guardrail on the inside of the off-road vehicle.
"Kill you!" A soldier in the back is impatient and will stab Coco in the arm with an army thorn.
Just then, an off-road vehicle rushed out sideways and hit the side of Reed’s vehicle like a shell.
The violent shaking made the drivers lose their balance.
Two cars came to an emergency stop. Jiang Xiaolong finally appeared. He rushed over and got up in the back seat of the off-road vehicle and immediately shouted, "Save her!"
When a soldier in the car bucket reacts, he will hold cocoa with a knife, and the latter will fall in the cold car bucket, grab each other’s arms with both hands and open his mouth and bite it.
"ah! ! !”
Miserable howling resounded through the soldiers’ whole body twitching with pain. Coco took the lead in turning over and directly touched the body with his left hand. The explosive fuse roared loudly, "Don’t move and don’t want to live?" !”
Jiang Xiaolong, diagonally across the street, rushed to the rear motorcade with automatic rifles, and CSS armed men killed several people.
"Cease fire and listen to me!" Coco loOKed at Reid holding the lead in his left hand. "If you do this, everyone will die. You go, we go, we go, ok?"
Reed looked around at the EO soldiers, and his heart was vague because they were too few. Once cocoa was not immediately controlled, the chances of achieving their goals would be very small.
"Damn it!"
Jiang Xiaolong was in a hurry and pointed an automatic rifle at Reid’s head and shouted, "Don’t you want to be captured alive? Do you want to be eaten by police dogs? Huh? !”
"OKOK, you give us the car to split up." Reid was forced to nod.
Cocoa took the lead in shouting "car" at Brother Hong after smelling it.
Brother Hong stepped forward and drove first, holding an automatic rifle and pointing to the soldier Reid, reaching out and holding the cocoa from the bucket.

"It’s really worthy of being the first Uber in all ages. Even the ancient emperors are far behind him in the realm of law!"

"Even if the power goes against the fate, there is no shortage of weapons. If you want to rescue taboo creatures, you will die! His spiritual path ends here. "
There was a noise in the crowd.
But soon these arguments gradually faded away.
In the end, the dense crowd turned into silence!
The group’s eyes are constantly rising with the three laws of heaven and earth, and their eyes are full of horror and shock!
Zhang …
Zhang qi …
Zhang Jiu …
It hasn’t stopped!
Nine feet!
Respect the photo!
And it is three!
Normally speaking, the great power of combination has integrated the law of heaven and earth into the flesh itself, and the gas field is strong
Even if the method of heaven and earth is as high as tens of feet, the indomitable spirit is absolutely more powerful than the fit
But this picture is different!
Respecting the dharma in the virtual body is the integration of heaven and earth, regardless of each other, just like the arrival of gods, sending out a horrible breath to deter all directions!
A statue of Dharma is enough to arouse the vibration of the fix-true world.
The three-way respect method has reached unimaginable levels for the psychological impact and visual impact of group practice!
Not only the presence of Daojun, but also the rush to many fitness powers startled him and his face changed greatly!
What is the concept that one person condenses three statues?
If this person integrates the three dharma parts into the body and steps into the body, how much strength will he achieve!
Many combined powers are unimaginable.
Or they dare not think about it!
The strong of the six fierce families present were still looking at the excitement and high spirits.
Look at the three laws of heaven and earth, arrival, and the strong of the six fierce families also look a change!
Sun San’s wife narrowed her eyes and whispered, "That’s a little interesting. It’s actually three statues!"
"This Terran Uber is terrible. If it grows up, I am afraid it will not be lost to the ancient emperor!"
Eye clan power said slowly
On windy days, Luo Cha seems to be able to shrug off his lips. "It’s normal for a large number of Terrans to be born like ants and one or two ubers."
Having said that, the strong faces of the six fierce families have all lost their smiles, and the relaxed freehand brushwork has also disappeared.
Although they don’t want to admit it, they know in their hearts that if the realm is the same, I’m afraid they are no match for this wild martial arts gentleman!
This is by no means a good omen for the six fierce families!
They are born with strong blood, noble blood and equal realm, which is enough to sweep away all ethnic groups and suppress everything!
In addition to the ancient times, they were defeated by Ren Huang in the same realm, and they hated the magic emperor. Most of the time, they never felt any threat.
But they feel threatened in this barren body!
Of course, the six fierce families can still sit still.
After all, they have dozens of combined powers, which are a whole big realm higher than this barren martial arts gentleman!
When the Terran fights and fights, it’s almost the same that any one of them can make a big move and settle everything!
Lei Fa’s head is covered with dark clouds, his feet are covered with thunder, and the dazzling thunder is majestic and overbearing. Holding a million thunder to condense and grow up, the momentum is overwhelming!
Tathagata sat cross-legged on a golden lotus table, shining with sacred Buddha’s light and lowered his eyebrows, and there were waves of Sanskrit beside him!
Monty’s magic body, magical eyes, dark and breathtaking hands, and monty’s sickle is like coming out of hell to kill God and harvest life!
"Kill me!"
Sumo drinks a lot.
Three statues protected him in the middle and moved towards the locked night spirit in the distance!