
1. **营养丰富**:红菜苔富含钙、磷、铁、胡萝卜素、抗坏血酸(维生素C)等多种营养成分,这些成分对于维持人体健康至关重要。

2. **胡萝卜素**:红菜苔中含有大量的胡萝卜素,这种成分在进入人体后,可以在肝脏和小肠粘膜内转化为维生素A,对补肝明目、治疗夜盲症有显著作用。


3. **维生素C**:红菜苔中的维生素C含量高于白菜苔和小白菜,能够帮助提高人体免疫力,促进组织修复,对孕妇尤其有益,可以增强母体抵抗力,同时促进胎儿的生长发育。

4. **增强抵抗力**:红菜苔中的多种维生素和矿物质可以增强身体机能,提高抵抗力,维护人体组织及细胞结构的正常代谢与功能。


5. **活血化瘀**:中医认为红菜苔味甘、辛,性平,有活血散瘀的功效。适用于妇女产后瘀血腹痛、吐血、痢疾便血以及大便秘结等症状。


6. **润肠通便**:红菜苔具有润滑肠道的作用,有助于及时排出体内有害物质,保证身体健康。

7. **保证机体稳定**:红菜苔中的多种营养物质对身体的营养补充大有裨益,有助于维持机体的稳定状态。



### 营养价值

1. **优质蛋白质和必需脂肪酸**:肘子中含有丰富的蛋白质,是人体必需的营养素之一。同时,它也含有必需的脂肪酸,有助于维持身体的正常功能。

2. **血红素和铁质**:肘子中的血红素和半胱氨酸有助于改善缺铁性贫血,因为它们能促进铁的吸收。

3. **胶原蛋白**:肘子含有丰富的胶原蛋白,这种蛋白质有助于皮肤保持丰满和润泽,对美容养颜有积极作用。

4. **钙和磷**:肘子中还含有钙和磷,这些矿物质对于骨骼健康至关重要。


5. **其他微量元素**:肘子中还含有多种微量元素,如锌、硒等,它们对于增强免疫力、维持身体健康有重要作用。


### 益处

1. **美容养颜**:由于肘子含有丰富的胶原蛋白,经常食用有助于保持皮肤弹性和紧致,对于女性来说,是一种很好的美容食品。

2. **增强体力**:肘子中的优质蛋白质和必需脂肪酸能提供能量,增强体力,提高免疫力。

3. **改善贫血**:肘子中的血红素和铁质能促进铁的吸收,有助于改善缺铁性贫血。

4. **促进骨骼健康**:肘子中的钙和磷有助于维持骨骼健康,预防骨质疏松。

5. **促进消化**:肘子中的脂肪成分有助于促进消化,增加饱腹感。

6. **养胃生津**:肘子具有滋阴润肺、养胃生津的功效,适合脾胃虚弱、津液不足的人群食用。

### 注意事项



1. **提高免疫力**:蜂蜜含有多种矿物质和酶,能够增强人体的免疫力和抵抗力,对提高体质较弱人群的免疫力尤为有益。


2. **改善心脑血管功能**:蜂蜜中含有的微量元素有助于促进血液循环,减少心血管疾病的脂肪堆积,扩张冠状动脉,营养心肌,预防心脑血管疾病。

3. **润肠通便**:蜂蜜中的脂肪酸、维生素和矿物质等成分能增强肠胃蠕动,帮助调理肠胃,清除体内毒素,改善便秘。

4. **增进食欲和帮助消化**:蜂蜜可以刺激肠胃,增进食欲,同时帮助消化,适合食欲不振、消化不良的人群。

5. **美容养颜**:蜂蜜是理想的护肤品,能供给皮肤养分,保持皮肤弹性,杀灭或抑制皮肤表面的细菌,消除色素沉着,促进上皮组织再生。

6. **缓解疲劳和饥饿**:蜂蜜中的葡萄糖和果糖能迅速被人体吸收,提供能量,消除疲劳和饥饿感。


7. **治疗疾病**:蜂蜜可用于治疗胃炎、胃十二指肠溃疡、失眠、心慌等症状,具有一定的药用价值。

8. **宁心安神**:蜂蜜有助于改善睡眠,对神经衰弱有缓解作用。

9. **抗炎和止痛**:蜂蜜具有消炎、祛痰、润肺、止咳的功效,还能用于治疗烫伤、冻伤、疮痈肿毒等。

10. **促进伤口愈合**:蜂蜜去掉糖分后的酸度可以抑制细菌生长,有助于伤口愈合。

11. **解酒**:蜂蜜中的果糖可以促进酒精的分解吸收,有助于快速醒酒并解除饮酒后的头痛感。

12. **保护心肌**:蜂蜜可以营养心肌并改善心脏功能。



### 药用功效

1. **提神醒脑**:老山檀香具有提振精神、增强注意力的作用,适合用于精神疲劳、注意力不集中等情况。

2. **开胃止痛**:适用于治疗胃寒、腹胀、腹痛、呕吐等症状,对脾胃功能有调节作用。

3. **健脾养胃**:有助于改善消化不良、食欲不振等问题,对脾胃虚弱有较好的调养作用。

4. **散寒止痛**:对于寒凝气滞、胸膈不畅引起的疼痛有缓解效果。

5. **行气解郁**:对于情志不畅、胸闷、气短、心悸等有舒缓作用。

6. **抗菌消炎**:具有抗菌消炎的作用,对一些炎症有改善作用。

7. **利尿**:有助于促进尿液排出,对泌尿系统疾病有一定的改善效果。

8. **调节血压**:对高血压患者有一定的调节作用。


### 香文化应用

1. **熏香**:将老山檀香粉放入熏香炉中,可以营造出安神静心的氛围,适合用于冥想、静坐等活动。

2. **香道**:在香道活动中,老山檀香常与其他香料搭配,提升香气的层次和效果。

3. **香薰**:将老山檀香精油加入香薰机中,可以净化空气、舒缓情绪。

4. **制作香品**:老山檀香木料可以制作成各种香品,如线香、盘香、香塔等,用于宗教仪式或日常生活中的香气营造。

### 注意事项


1. **孕妇慎用**:由于老山檀香可能对胎儿有影响,孕妇应避免长时间接触。

2. **阴虚火旺者慎用**:阴虚火旺的人群不宜使用老山檀香,以免加重症状。

3. **过敏体质者慎用**:对老山檀香过敏的人群应避免使用。



1. **保湿效果**:透明质酸是自然界中发现的保湿性最好的物质,能够吸收自身重量1000倍的水分,帮助皮肤细胞保持水分,使皮肤柔软、光滑,并防止干燥。

2. **抗衰老**:随着年龄的增长,皮肤中的透明质酸含量会逐渐减少,导致皮肤失去弹性和光泽,产生皱纹。补充透明质酸可以改善皮肤的营养代谢,减少皱纹,增加皮肤弹性,防止皮肤衰老。

3. **促进伤口愈合**:透明质酸能够促进皮肤伤口的愈合,这是因为它能够帮助组织修复和再生。

4. **美容整形**:在美容整形领域,透明质酸被广泛用作填充剂,可以用来填充深鼻唇沟、额纹、鱼尾纹等,使皱纹得以抚平,同时也可以用于隆鼻、丰唇、丰颊和祛除疤痕等。

5. **改善肤质**:透明质酸能够帮助皮肤恢复生理功能,改善肤质,使皮肤细腻柔嫩,富有弹性。


6. **促进透皮吸收**:作为透皮吸收促进剂,透明质酸有助于其他护肤成分更好地被皮肤吸收。

7. **眼科应用**:透明质酸在眼科手术中也有应用,如晶体植入、角膜移植、抗青光眼手术等。

8. **关节润滑**:透明质酸可以注入关节腔,用于治疗因滑液缺乏而引起的关节痛。



1. **观赏作用**:鸢尾花叶片碧绿青翠,花朵大而奇特,形似翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,花色丰富,花形各异,是庭园中的重要花卉。它常被种植在庭院、花坛等地方,为家居环境增添色彩和美感。

2. **药用价值**:鸢尾花在《神农本草经》中就有记载,具有活血祛瘀、祛风利湿、解毒、消积的功效。具体应用如下:
– **活血祛瘀**:鸢尾的根状茎能活血祛瘀,用于治疗跌打损伤、风湿疼痛等。
– **祛风利湿**:用于治疗咽喉肿痛、食积腹胀、痈疖肿毒、创伤出血等症状。
– **解毒**:鸢尾含有某些物质,能起到解毒、抗炎的作用。


– **消积**:有助于消化,减轻腹中积食不消化的情况。

3. **药理作用**:鸢尾中含有的鸢尾黄酮甙及其甙元鸢尾黄素有抗炎作用,对某些炎症性疾病有一定的缓解作用。

4. **毒性**:鸢尾花虽然具有药用价值,但全草植株含有微弱毒性,尤其是根茎和种子毒性较大。如果不小心误食,可能会引起中毒。因此,在使用鸢尾花入药时,应在专业医生的指导下进行。

5. **文化寓意**:鸢尾花在我国常用来象征爱情和友谊,寓意美好,是赠送礼物的好选择。

6. **其他作用**:鸢尾花在国外有制作香水的传统,其浓郁的香气被广泛应用于高级香水中。


"Not bad!"

Hang Yu’s eyes swept away
He is very satisfied with the team.
Among these people, the two most important people to Hang Yu are Zhao and Xu Tianhua. Although their status is equal, they are responsible for different division of labor
Zhao is more responsible for finance and personnel!
Xu Tianhua is more responsible for battle command and discipline construction!
Bao Wang w w w b a s h u 2
Hang Yu believes in a principle in doing things, that is, let the right people do the right things and be good at doing things!
If you have a strong desire for control and power, you want to grasp everything in your hand and do everything yourself. It is difficult for such a person to achieve great things. After all, a person’s energy is limited
He is the leader.
Just be responsible for specifying the grand strategy and general direction.
In the later stage of the team, personnel arrangement, discipline construction
It is enough to have two right-hand men, Zhao and Xu Tianhua.
Don’t you think it’s pretty good now? These people have been trained a little by Xu Tianhua, and now they are in a good shape. Although they can’t compare with soldiers, they are by no means Ukrainian.
"I don’t think it’s time to get everyone together this time. Everyone should be very clear in their hearts."
He took out the soul covenant.
"Our team will formally conclude a physical pact, and from now on, we will be formal partners and comrades-in-arms. From today in the spiritual world, we will form a whole, one glory and one loss!"
When they heard this,
Everyone is excited and crazy.
This is a big deal for everyone!
Two dog stretched his neck and chimed in, "Ow, boss, what’s the name of our organization? It is better to let Wang play the role of six cores and six threads to get a high-end atmosphere, low-key luxury and a name! "
When the boss speaks
Which round gets a hand in?
What’s more, this product is a dog leg!
Besides, can dogs do such an important thing?
If you go out and let people know that the name of the organization is actually the boss dog, it will be a bit weaker if you give it a domineering name!
Two dog seems to have to be handed over to Xu Tianhua to practice!
You see, Xiao Bai is more sensible … Well, Xiao Bai is in a daze and probably wandering about for two yuan.
"Of course, an organization and a team must have a representative and memorable code name." Hang Yu said in a clear voice, "Now I declare our organization code name black dragon!"
The northern Cang area of this wasteland province.
The name of this world is called earthworm world.
Combination of the two
Code name black dragon.
Hang Yu feels that this is more grounded, not too petty, and not too middle school, so that he can echo the "Qinglong" in this world.
Two dog a listen to.
He doesn’t think the code name is strong enough.
But before I could wait, I was forced back by the boss’s eyes
Husky is good at wagging his tail and sighing, complaining that the boss doesn’t know the art of naming. It is better to let the dog think of a shiny name.
Then came the ceremony of concluding the contract.
The binding force of soul contract is not as good as that of family contract, but it has a wide range and is very suitable for sports alliance and team building.
After the conclusion of the contract
Every member of the Covenant will be a partner.

Qi Chen asked, "What effect will it have if Seventh Sister has not been awakened?"

"It’s hard to say," thought Wang Miao. "It’s reasonable to say that what has happened has changed. Many years ago, I met Fei Qiong once and was brought to Tai Su by Zhi Xin. However, what has happened is difficult to change, but colorful stone has the ability to change the fate of others. To some extent, the world has been changed because of what your seventh sister has done. I can imagine that if Zhi Xin never looked for me or she never brought Fei Qiong to Tai Su, the situation should be early now. It has become another kind. I think it must be a much more tragic fate than it is now. Fei Qiong once told me that Zhi Xin had shown her a picture of the future in Tai Su. In that picture, her brother personally killed Yin Niang. I think what Zhi Xin did should be to change such a sad ending … "
"In this case," Qi Chen worried and said, "If Qi Mei wakes up her spiritual power through the dharma, then the changed fate is likely to happen again?"
"Well," Wang Miao thought, "but I found that trying to influence this era in some way doesn’t seem to have something done by Zhi Xin and Yuan Ziyan. The appearance of that boy named Xiaobai made me know that there are also people behind it. The only luck is that the forces that can also influence the overall situation seem to be malicious to us, but it is precisely because there are several different forces intertwined and the soul brother himself has some ability to bind him even by destiny. I am worried that the situation will eventually get out of control and become unpredictable."
Chichen said, "Fairy worry is …"
Wang Miao thought, "Have you ever heard the story of the genocide of the Sakyamuni people? The Sakyamuni clan is the first in the Buddhism where the newspaper industry of Sakyamuni Buddhism will be exterminated because of Capricorn’s attack. The venerable Arhat’s eyes are full of mercy. Before the glass king of Capricorn attacked the Sakyamuni clan, he put the people of Sakyamuni clan into his bowl by magic. However, when the glass king broke the city and went to see the Buddha, he tried to release the people but found that all the people had turned into blood in his bowl and lived alone. "
Qi Chen’s heart was shocked by the white king’s wonderful thoughts and worries.
Wang Miao wants to sigh, "I hope it’s just that I worry too much. Anyway, what we need to do now is to let Zhi Xin wake up slowly, and then we will do our best and listen to destiny."
Chichen secretly chewed the word "destiny"
Although the destiny has collapsed, is there a greater destiny in the dark to control everything?
No one can know this problem.
After leaving the desert island, Chichen went to the quarrying island alone. After she left, Wang Miao wanted to gently pick the baby girl’s tender face with her fingers in her arms, and the baby girl made a sound with her eyes open.
Dance: Where on earth are you from?
Chapter 36 Ternary Divination
It’s dawn, and the fluorescence emitted by Zi Xia is rapidly dissipating, and the sun shines through the clouds, making the mask of Xiaxia pool look golden.
Xue Honglian looked at the awkward black weave and was quite impatient. "What’s the matter with you?"
Hei Zhi remembered Master’s words that only this elder martial sister can help him, but he hesitated to ask her. After all, people who have never been able to ask for it don’t know what to say.
The red line saw her silence and simply ignored her. She turned around and walked for a while. Looking back, she saw that Heizhi was still quietly there. Her heart was soft and she called, "Sister … do you want me to help you?"
Now that the senior teacher elder sister has taken the initiative to ask about the black weaving nature, she will quickly tell the red line in detail about her spiritual problems. This just gave her a white look and I felt, "Is this kind of thing so difficult?" Seeing her asking for advice like this is worse than asking her to kill a hundred people. "
Slowly walk back to the red line in front of Heizhi and ask, "Master said I can help you? Did he say what he wanted me to teach you? "
Heizhi shook his head.
"Well," I thought to myself, "It’s strange that Master himself won’t let me teach you any skills." Besides, although I’m a little higher than Ling Ning and Yin Niang, I’m far from being able to really understand the Taoist classics. Even the two of them are Tai Yi Tian, and the two school sisters have already read through them. Does it mean that Master wants me to teach her the technique of Tai Yi Dan Jing Yin, or the nine-layer mind training? However, although these two techniques were not remembered in Taiyi Heaven and Yin Niang had never learned them, the hidden technique is an avatar and a spiritual body, and there are not many nine-level exercises. It was also created by Master and I for others to exercise and deal with the situation. Third martial sister’s foundation went the wrong way from the beginning. Now she can’t even achieve her basic skills, let alone the nine-level exercises … Well, I understand that Master wants me to help her achieve her extraordinary spirit! "
The red line remembered that there was indeed a set of techniques that she created herself or could help Heizhi.
"Yes," the red line looked at Heizhi, and saw that she was always low-headed, seemingly indifferent. In fact, she didn’t know how to get along with others, so Master Bai was funny in her heart. "Although I really created that set of skills, I once took Master Taiyi and Bai Yulun out with her during the fight with King Ru Shou, and she had already learned how to teach her. The teacher’s father asked her to beg me for points, but she didn’t think I was narrow-minded enough to find a chance to get along with her. Although I did deliberately beat her with a heavy hand last night, she did anyway.
"Well, I see." She looked at Heizhi and said, "You can practice with me from today, but let me say first that I am neither as accommodating as Master nor as sympathetic as Ling Ning and Yin Niang. I am very strict. If you can’t stand it, you’d better quit now. Just like Master said that if you want to reach a higher level, you must rebuild your foundation. It is impossible for a person to destroy his true spirit and rebuild it, but I know exactly one way, but I can’t say much about it. You should also know that if it is successful, it is natural.
Heizhi saw that Elder Martial Sister was really willing to help ignite hope in her heart and whispered, "Thank you, Elder Martial Sister!"
Red line dry cough an uncomfortable looking at day "this ….. stuff other disciples have nothing to thank …"
Qingyuan palace
The wind soul conjures up three selves at the same time. One of them hooks Hui Hong’s legs and keeps pushing the other two. One is lying on his back in bed, hugging him naked. Xu Feiqiong, the other is invading her from the rear of Wan Lixian. He will make the two women limp until he becomes a person again and let the two women lie beside him from left to right.
Xu Feiqiong pillow after his left chest gently breathing could not help but ask "what is this achievement method? So strange? "
The general separation is not as strange as it is, but the wind and soul turn into three, but all of them are true bodies, which is impossible for even the small party to change into thirty-six
"This achievement method is the transformation of the three yuan gods created by the red line," said the wind soul. "She forced a yuan god into three yuan gods, namely heaven, earth and man, so that the three yuan gods could practice separately and then cut them one by one. But the initial prototype of this achievement method was created by Mrs. Yuan, and the method of’ cutting three bodies’ was changed by her on this basis. On weekdays, the three yuan gods practiced their natural effects and multiplied their fighting, but she was a trinity. To tell the truth, I didn’t expect her to have such wisdom to come up with it.
Hui Hong said, "So you want Red Line to teach Hei Weave the magic of these three gods so that Hei Weave can rebuild the Tao?"
"Well," said Feng Soul, "Black Weaving has gone the wrong way, but the most important thing is not to divide Yuan Shen into three parts, but to chop the word" chop "in" Three Corpses ".Compared with Yin Niang, the red line understanding is actually not good, and what she can achieve now is that she is able to successfully chop the wrong Yuan Shen in this cultivation process. It is precisely because she keeps chopping her Yuan Shen into three parts and chopping herself in practice. I don’t know how many times it took to successfully enter the avenue black weaving. It is also possible to be able to learn this ternary magic transformation and naturally reshape itself to a higher level and finally reach the red line. "
Hui Hong praised, "The achievement method is still in the second red line. This perseverance is rare. Although you have to keep a Yuan God every time you cut yourself, you can rebuild it again. After the reconstruction, Yuan God can cut it again in three points, but the pain when you cut yourself is by no means affordable to ordinary people."
Xu Feiqiong said, "No wonder now she is not only good at all kinds of magic weapons and swordsmanship of the Lunar Sword, but also proficient in everything. Presumably, in this process of’ cutting three corpses’, she has already cultivated other methods except the Lunar Sword, and repaired the wrong road one by one. How did she come up with this method?"
"To some extent, she was also forced," the wind soul laughed. "Before I chased Grandma You Rui and Heizhi to Luoshan, I pointed out Dan Jingzhu’s spirit to her, but I didn’t teach her how to make it come true. At that time, I thought that she would always be by my side, so naturally she didn’t worry, but I didn’t want to be in Luoshan. Although I took Ling Ning and Yin Niang through the six realms of Gankun wall to reach the red line and Xiaofang after 1,300 years, she was left everywhere in that day. I told her that she didn’t know how to do it well, but she didn’t expect to stumble into it by mistake. Instead, she realized that the three-element magic transformation finally succeeded in inheriting Dan Jingzhu’s spirit and achieving immortality. "
Xu Feiqiong touched the hip after a dull pain and remembered that she had just been played with by two lovers at the same time. She gave the wind soul a red oblique look. "She worked so hard to create such a wonderful achievement method but was beaten by you in a place like this. If she knew it, she would give you a good beating."
Hui Hong covered her mouth and snickered.
At this time, the wind soul remembered a sigh
Hui Hong asked, "What is Big Brother thinking?"
Wind Soul said, "I thought that I should also go to Quarry Island one or two days. My sister Zhixin is still there. Speaking of which, you haven’t seen her yet. Do you want to go with me?"
Hui Hong naturally nodded gently, but Xu Feiqiong thought in her mind, "I have seen her as early as three years ago, but you don’t know."
Recalling this matter, Xu Feiqiong is still puzzled, resting on her lover’s chest and secretly thinking, "It’s strange that Feng Zhixin had many incredible things three years ago, and I was able to enter Tai Su because of her arrangement, but now it sounds like she has just been brought to this era by her brother and has never learned any Taoism. What’s going on?"
Then I thought, "At that time, Feng Zhixin once showed me a picture in the future, in which the wind soul turned into a terrible demon and personally killed the hidden mother. The wind soul said that he almost lost his sex and became a demon when fighting in Xuan Ming. Fortunately, the hidden mother appeared to help him. So, has the prophecy in that picture been changed? If that’s the case, it would be great. I don’t know. I always feel that some places are difficult to rest assured. It seems that I should go and see Feng Zhixin anyway. "
She was thinking about her heart, but she felt that her body was being moved. When she woke up, she had become kneeling there. She turned her head to see Hui Hong, which was also a general posture. She knew that it was the wind soul that was up to something, so she looked back and looked at the lover holding her hip behind her with shame. She had to be bullied by him.
After washing and dressing, the wind soul walked out of the harem with two women, trying to find Ling Ning and Yin Niang to see if they want to go to the Quarry Island with themselves to see Zhi Xin, and also want to know whether the red line has promised to teach the black woven ternary magic.
At this time, the part-time jade girl bathed in the moon but floated up and said to him, "Brother Feng Soul, the fairy sepals of Yaochi are green and green, and the Queen Mother asks for audience outside the temple."
Chapter 37 Landscape Love Dilemma
Sepals green flower? The wind soul is thinking about what the heavenly queen wants her to do. Xu Feiqiong is pleasantly surprised to fly out.
The wind soul Hui Hong looked at each other and walked out together.
Xu Feiqiong Sepals Green Flower is a close friend of the boudoir. I am naturally overjoyed when I haven’t seen it for many years. When I see the wind, my soul comes out and hurriedly says "visit the Eastern Emperor".
The wind soul laughed. "You’re welcome. I haven’t thanked you for your help when I was in Xihuang Mountain that day."
Sepals green China remembered that day when he was wearing obscene clothes, the man shared a bed, and his face was fast-flushers. When Xu Feiqiong saw that she looked different, he couldn’t help but stare at the wind soul and thought, When did these two people get to know each other?
The wind soul found something wrong with the scene and quickly turned to the topic and asked, "I wonder if the Queen Mother has something for the fairy to find someone?"
"There are two things," said Sepals Green China. "One of them was Fei Qiong’s fairy record. Fei Qiong was stripped of her fairy record because she didn’t tell the Queen Mother. Now she has done a great job in three days to offset the crimes committed three years ago. Therefore, the Queen made an order to restore Fei Qiong’s fairy record."
The wind soul nodded his head, but he secretly felt, "Although it is a good thing to restore fairy records, there are not too many girls or fairies for Fei Qiong now. Even if she is still a girl in name, no one dares to look down on her. In these days, everyone is commensurate with her fairy records. At this time, the Queen Mother should have other plans to restore her fairy body."
Sure enough, the sepal green flower added, "In addition, because Yaochi has been taken back from the demon by the empress, many female fairies who are fleeing around are also returning to Yaochi. Because Zhu Rong and Empress Been haven’t eliminated the heaven, the Queen Mother is still uneasy. Because she still needs to sit in the Lingxiao Hall, she is worried that Yaochi people will guard it or one day repeat the tragic accident that Yaochi fell into the demon’s hands. She wants Feiqiong to return to Yaochi to guard it for the empress. It’s too small a day, and she says that Feiqiong is a Yaochi female fairy in name, but it’s people around her


Yu Renlong looked surprised.
"Father, please look!"
Yu Guihai said that he lifted his clothes and urged the drum pile to become small.
Knock ~ ~ ~ knock ~ ~ knock ~ ~ ~ ~
Weak heartbeat to see his heart position skin slightly beating.
"The beating drum pile is really small, haha."
Yu Renlong grinned with great comfort when he saw it. Nothing makes a father happier than a promising son.
"How did my son rise so fast?"
Zhao Yun was more cautious and glad that he didn’t forget to ask about the evil methods that might harm him.
It is said that of course it is due to unification.
Yu guihai heart way, but this can’t be said. He shook his head and explained it according to his own mind.
"I don’t know that since I got started, the drum-bang pile has been practiced for thousands of miles in a day, and I have broken through Xiaocheng in just a few days. Now I feel that it is not far from breaking through Dacheng."
Then he looked worried and asked, "Mother, what’s wrong with my situation?"
"Nothing is not only bad, but also a great good thing."
Before Zhao Yun answered Yu Renlong, he exclaimed with a face of surprise
"What a great thing?" Yu Guihai has a question mark on his face.
"Like you, this kind of situation is rare among martial arts practitioners, but it is occasionally heard. For example, someone who has been practicing martial arts for decades has suddenly realized that martial arts can travel thousands of miles in a day and soon become a top martial arts expert." Yu Renlong repressed excitement.
"You mean that this is an epiphany, Haier?" Zhao Yun eyes a bright took us.
Yu Renlong excitedly replied, "Do you think that Haier has been practicing hard for several years but can’t even get into the entry? If he can rise to Xiaocheng in a few days, he will achieve great success?" Have an epiphany "
"Besides, Hai ‘er White Ape Tongbi Boxing was accomplished in just three days after self-study, which is in line with the characteristics of epiphany."
"Ok!" Zhao Yunlian applauded.
I don’t blame the excitement of the two for being an epiphany, but the fighters have soared, and most of them have achieved the innate realm.
After Yu Renlong was excited, he calmly told him, "Remember, don’t tell anyone about this, just the three of us, or Haier will be in danger."
"I know it’s a problem, but now even the decades-old servant in the family can’t be trusted. Where can I let my son go?" Zhao Yun then worry way
"Why don’t you move to our residence?" Yu Renlong said
"We can’t always be at home, and even if we live, it will be difficult to avoid servants. Wouldn’t it be more dangerous to hide deeper?" Zhao Yun shook his head and vetoed.
Yu Renlong thought for a while and suddenly stretched his brow and smiled at his wife and said, "Madam, we are actually a little nervous. How many can there be like Li Cuihua’s dead family?" Besides, many family guards are absolutely loyal and reliable. "
He stroked his beard and went on, "So it’s not that important that we need to find loyal and reliable people to protect my son, so other servants are forbidden to go near the residence."
"But" Zhao Yun wanted to think or feel worried.
"I think my father is right. We can’t kill everyone with one shot. Because of an assassin, we don’t trust everyone. I still live here. Just don’t let other people near us."
Yu Guihai quickly took over the conversation. He didn’t want to really move in with his parents, otherwise his promotion would be discovered.
See son also said so Zhao Yun didn’t insist to nod again, "in that case, I’ll let Chunlan take people here. Besides, uncle, we should always pay attention to this side when we are at home."
"hmm!" Yu Renlong nodded in agreement.
Chapter 16 every strength
The assassination in Yu Jia’s department was suppressed by Yu Renlong and did not cause much trouble.
The sudden disappearance of Li Cuihua’s family was noted by several familiar people. After being explained by the steward that her family had moved to foreign industries, these people no longer paid attention to it.
I haven’t been greatly affected by my return to the sea, except that the guards around me are more closely guarded.
When midnight came that night, the world was dark.
After the house returned to the sea, his eyes suddenly opened and his eyes flashed. His physical condition has been adjusted to the best.
Call up the interface to see that the upgrade point has been refreshed, and then say "upgrade drum pile"
The assassination made it urgent for him to speed up his ascension to other details, and he was temporarily desperate.
In an instant, scenes flashed through my mind. It was the number of pictures of practicing drum-bang piles. The protagonist was himself, who had a deep understanding of drum-bang piles. This martial art had been thoroughly understood by him, and it was never the slightest bit crude.
At the same time, his heart beat like a drum roll, which was clearly audible in the secret library.
Dong ~ ~ Dong ~ ~ Dong ~ ~ Dong ~ ~ ~
It’s getting louder and louder.
His qi and blood are rushing with the acceleration of blood vessels, and he is bleeding profusely.
His muscles also shook violently, rubbing clothes and making a swish like chaff.
There is a strong force that travels around the body and grows rapidly, and it is all over the body in an instant.
You can see his flesh and blood bulging and wandering around. It seems that several mice are walking through his skin.
This is the vision produced by strength wandering.
There are more and more visions of strength.

Lu Li’s affection for Taikoomen is not deep, but only in some people. Besides, the lotus sleeping, the disappearance of Xiangyun and the departure of Corydalis all make Lu Li feel heavy again and again, and the feud between the elders of Dan Yao has not been resolved.

Jingzhou and his party’s Taikoomen killing order impressed Lu Li deeply. If one day he can compete with the elders of Dan medicine, he must also face to face and question Chen Fei’s fairness in the First World War. Why can’t he fight back on the spot?
Just as people kept speculating about Huangfulingtian’s intention or the real idea of Taikoo Door Master, Huangfulingtian pointed his finger at another beautiful woman in Taikoo Door-Moon Ice Mark.
"Moon Ice Mark Taikoo Master has ordered you to be indispensable this time."
Huangfu Lingtian seems to be an understatement, so it will point out the peerless beauty of Taikoo Gate and add the name of the moon ice mark, which has been flowing in the three realms for a long time. If this is the case, it is very few to be able to resist people.
It is said by the older generation of Mu family that if you are unfeeling and fencing, Mu family fencing can cross several realms together, hurting the enemy and bullying. It is better than two monks in the fairy realm joining hands to longitudinal the enemy, and the sword can blend. Even the masters in the early days of the fairy have to retreat.
The moon’s ice marks are covered with white light, which doesn’t attract much attention like Mu Qianxue’s, but he has also made progress.
It seems that few of the masters of Xuanzhen realm can hurt the ice marks on the moon, but the more separated these brothers are, the more difficult it is. What are they?
The scene changed from lively to silent. If it’s more than the first, fighting with these ancient cousins is different from dying
Lu Xuanzhong said, "Seven enemies and one should have one person."
Sure enough, in the heart of the land, Huangfu Lingtian finally said, "Coagulation peaks and blood sends a brother-Lan Feng comes out!"
Chapter one hundred and twelve A sharp turn
A familiar figure slowly flew out of Lan Feng’s face and came out.
When he stepped on the sky, ripples appeared, but others didn’t know it was a kind of ripple fluctuation. Obviously, Lan Feng’s current revision has improved several grades compared with the theory of fairy tales, but he was detached from the previous perception of a "Tao" fluctuation
His breath is very stable, and the impetuous noise brought by the lack of blood and blood is almost close to the appearance of eating people.
Shao Tianhen, Fang Han, Mu Qianxue, Li Zhuran, Nangong Destroy, Yue Binghen and Lan Feng have both offensive and defensive skills. Even if they are far away from each other, some of them are big. Because of the mysterious right eye, he can see that he has not seen the surge in the strength of these Taikoo cousins for more than a year. Even if he does it himself, it is somewhat difficult to cope.
Mu Qian, Xue Yue, and the ice marks are all extremely sharp attacks. The offensive sword is built in Nangong’s body-killing method. It is unique and good at hiding and raiding. Shao Tian’s mark and hidden weapons’s double secret methods are even more sharp.
Lan Feng Li Zhuran is an able player, Fang Hanxiu is not to mention that he has both offensive and defensive skills, especially ice and sea, and he is good at defense and forbidden art. There is almost no chance.
However, if the guess is true, I’m afraid it’s really hard to end this time. Unless someone can save the day, it’s difficult for them to solve all the strong enemies in Kyushu War with the help of other people.
Lu Li Fang Yunhan looked at each other with a slight shake of his head and a puzzled look on his face. I don’t know what the main door means, but a few people have different expressions. Most of them show anxious colors. If it is really difficult for them to besiege Lu Li, it will be difficult to ride a tiger.
After finishing all this, Huangfu Lingtian smiled mysteriously and turned slowly. He turned slowly, and at the same time, his eyes gradually swept to the Kyushu platform and finally landed on the ground.
Lu Li Zheng, the master of Taikoo Gate, is the deepest person he has ever seen. No matter how elusive others are, they can’t see the master’s mind. Is it really necessary to unite with the seven elite brothers of Taikoo Gate to besiege themselves?
Among them, even Lan Feng is also repairing the skyrocketing, which is not comparable in those years. Everyone can compete with zhou ying. It is definitely tough to deal with. Plus, they have a certain understanding of the land and separation, and it will be a bitter battle.
Lan Feng Xiu is comparable to the friar in the early stage of the ghost realm. If Fang Han joins hands with the blood evil spirit, the power will multiply, which is also quite horrible.
"Do you dare to fight when you are away from home?"
Huangfuling sounds slowly, and at the same time, he raises Taikoo’s order to signal that the seven Taikoo’s younger brothers behind him are all from France.
Look at Mu Qianxue, Moon Ice Mark, Fang Han and others. There are complex colors in their eyes, but there is not much to be immersed in love on the battlefield. On the success or failure of heroes, if one day the two sides are really opposed to each other, they will have to give up their friendship.
Lu Li nodded slightly, and there was a complicated emotion in his eyes. "I said I wouldn’t lose to anyone today."
HuangFuLing smell speech laugh show appreciation color lang tao "good! Not the kui is a stranger. You were somewhat similar and somewhat aloof in those days, but our biggest similarity is still a heavy friendship with the same family. This point is that Qian Shan will never change across thousands of waters. "
Lu Li smell speech Zheng thought that Huangfu Lingtian would say this words. Are these seven outstanding brothers linked to a slaying order to remove themselves?
Huangfu Lingtian said that the tone of his words suddenly changed the whole person’s breath and suddenly turned sharply in another direction. The tone was eager to tunnel, "The seven brothers of Taikoomen have ordered you to wait for the World War I in Yuan!"
The result of Lu Li’s surprise is that he estimated it before, but if it is true, the situation will be even more terrible.
Fang Yunhan clenched his fist secretly, and his eyes seemed to be looking for someone from time to time. Unfortunately, he still frowned after looking for a circle, and he didn’t seem to find the person he wanted.
Tao Wen’s eyes flashed a sharp look, and I don’t know if it was aimed at that Yuan or some words that were not satisfied with Huangfu Lingtian.
However, Huangfulingtian is the core leader of the right path. Even if there are thousands of dissatisfaction, I dare not show it. Such a strong man as Huangfulingtian is not much different even in the face of Jin Xian. What’s worse, it’s as easy as chopping melons and chopping vegetables.
Huangfulingtian’s words brought a person to the forefront, that is, the mysterious master of Kyushu League-Yuan.
Each of the seven outstanding brothers of Taikoomen is an amazing player.
Binghaixin people, the dream cloud pavilion is inherited by Nangong family and Mu family brothers, and the ruthless swordsmanship is inherited by Taikoomen family’s adopted daughter, and Lan Feng, a master of coagulation peak, is definitely a super array.
These masters teamed up with many sects to teach the patriarch to dare not face the siege of these seven masters. Only a few scattered immortals have this matter.
Besides, Yuan is still a face of aloof color, and there is no expression fluctuation. He is very indifferent to Huangfu Lingtian, but slightly moved his body and gently nodded to indicate that he can fight for World War I at any time.
His cold and arrogant behavior has ignited many monks’ passions, including the seven people in Taikoo Men, and they are also somewhat unhappy. This situation of Yuan’s indifference is really a bit arrogant and crazy
Seven people looked at each other, and they thought that if they joined forces, it would be a Yuan. Even if they added Tao, Xuan Nv was not their opponent, but the other party’s indifference was obviously telling them a message.
Fang Han took a big leap to step on the Kyushu platform. As soon as he landed, his feet dropped by dozens of feet, and the temperature dropped suddenly. As soon as the Kyushu platform cast by the original fairy stone foundation was flushed, a layer of frost and gas condensed, and the water vapor near the original sky suddenly condensed into ice and snow, and slowly floated.
Shao Tianhuan flashed to the battle platform without words after taking a hat from his back. It was a teleport solution. He wanted to give Yuan some color to let the other side know his strength.
Chapter one hundred and thirteen Guild Wars Yuan
Mu Qian Xue looked at each other with ice marks on the moon, and they were both good at sword tactics, respectively, Fang Han’s left and right heartless swords and shadows, and each of them belonged to a fairy instrument, which was absolutely extraordinary.